As the crickets chirp in the loneliness that is the M.O.A.G. blogging area, Bot wonders what has happened to his fellow members. Their absence causing a singular thought to continuously float around his mind. "Damn lifes getting in the way."
King Salvaggio has many important tasks to attend to. Most importantly, a family that is ever growing in more ways than one. Secondly a job that, at least in the mind of Bot, freakin' rocks!!! Continuing on down the ladder of importance, on the bottom rung, the one that gets the most mud on it from everyday abuse comes the small insignificant M.O.A.G. Blog.
The evil Mastermind Shadowire takes no time out from adding on to his evil lair to see that the cobwebs of fleeting internet time have taken it's toll on the site of all sites and his maniacal laugh can be heard through the digital jargon that is blogging.
Shuriken the Deadly Ronin waits in the haze of the Paiute Indian Tribe to be reinstated into the grand hall of M.O.A.G. Where he will again become the honorable, loyal and ever deadly Samurai of the Sharp Tongue.
For now the M.O.A.G. site waits patiently in silence. Hoping for the wonderful humor, friendship and sarcastic comments to continue filling it's many pages.
I finished the first draft of the Revision of Madness. I'm not ready to post it yet, but give me a week or so to add some details to it and I'll see what I can do. Also, get me email addresses! I need to update my address book and I'm lazy.... So, you guys do all the work and send them to me! Mu ha ha . . . mine is an evil laugh!!!