
Behold my awesomeness and tremble!!!!

It appears that our dear little Shuriken has been having problems submitting posts, adding comments (snarky as they may be), saving the princess and what not. But I, in my all empowering valuer Speed Suit* have rectified the problem.

So post away my young grasshopper, and add comments at your leisure.

*If you don't know what a 'Speed Suit' is, I really can't help you. Honestly.

Alas, here is the Speed suit.

This is the one and only Thaddeus T. Venture (he's the one in the pink jumpsui... I mean SPEED SUIT), a great promoter of the speed suit, seen wearing it in all it's glory.

Another image of Dr. Venture, note the full on body suit with belt accessory! Feel the Power!


My apologies. I seem to have misplaced my blog...

Whadaya know! I found it! And to think the blog's been here all along, right where I left it. Seriously, I thought some transient Romanian Monk with a fondness for the ramblings of the science fiction nature made off with it. Whew, glad I was wrong. On that note I apologize to the Royal House of Romanion Monks of the Society of Scholarly Study and Pingpong. The Midget ninja squad that most surely finished what they started was, in hind-sight, probably a little hasty. But you have to hand it to them, they're efficient.

Anyway, in the happiness that engulfed my little world upon finding the M.O.A.G. blog safe and sound, enjoy the following non-moag-esque art. It's a great piece by Mike Mignola, the creator of Hellboy. Enjoy.

The Silence is deafening.

As the crickets chirp in the loneliness that is the M.O.A.G. blogging area, Bot wonders what has happened to his fellow members. Their absence causing a singular thought to continuously float around his mind. "Damn lifes getting in the way."
King Salvaggio has many important tasks to attend to. Most importantly, a family that is ever growing in more ways than one. Secondly a job that, at least in the mind of Bot, freakin' rocks!!! Continuing on down the ladder of importance, on the bottom rung, the one that gets the most mud on it from everyday abuse comes the small insignificant M.O.A.G. Blog.
The evil Mastermind Shadowire takes no time out from adding on to his evil lair to see that the cobwebs of fleeting internet time have taken it's toll on the site of all sites and his maniacal laugh can be heard through the digital jargon that is blogging.
Shuriken the Deadly Ronin waits in the haze of the Paiute Indian Tribe to be reinstated into the grand hall of M.O.A.G. Where he will again become the honorable, loyal and ever deadly Samurai of the Sharp Tongue.
For now the M.O.A.G. site waits patiently in silence. Hoping for the wonderful humor, friendship and sarcastic comments to continue filling it's many pages.

I finished the first draft of the Revision of Madness. I'm not ready to post it yet, but give me a week or so to add some details to it and I'll see what I can do. Also, get me email addresses! I need to update my address book and I'm lazy.... So, you guys do all the work and send them to me! Mu ha ha . . . mine is an evil laugh!!!


Moag Art... sort of.

Well, it's not finished yet but here's a picture I am working on (it's like a year in the making) of Atrius in a Conar shock trooper armor. I don't know when it will be finished, I'm pretty busy doing some other stuff at the moment, but I'll get it done sometime. So until then, here it is and enjoy.

I'll try to post some more of the Moag art that I have for your viewing pleasure.

A New Beginning

So just the other day, Tuesday August 7th to be precise, I went to Mountain West Books and had the honor of meeting one of my favorite authors of all time, Mr. Orson Scott Card. (For those of you who don't know, he wrote The Ender's series along with many other Science Fiction and Fantasy novels.) He signed all six books that I brought with me and we got to talk for a few fleeting, yet enlightening moments. Needless to say, he was a very nice man and in a surprisingly short amount of time, he reminded me of several reasons why I wanted to become a writer and inspired me to start again.

So here's where I begin. . . again. I am going to take the first story I wrote based on some of my characters from the M.O.A.G. Universe and revise it. This will be a test and a means of letting myself "stretch my legs" before I start the long haul. Shadow and Shuriken might recognize it, but I don't know if I let Salvaggio read the original. It is titled Madness:Revision and I hope that it is the first in a long line of stories that will come about. Heaven knows that the M.O.A.G. Universe is packed to the brim with good stories.


If you haven't seen it yet, you're dead to me.

Okay, if you haven't seen anything for Crysis, then, well, something should happen to you. Don't know what that is, but I'm sure something should happen. Maybe you thought that flat tire you got was fate, but I can assure you it was the Video Game Gods getting even with you for not checking out one of the coolest games that will be coming out this year, and only on the PC for heavens sake! Finally a game that isn't being ported from a console, but fully harnessing the powers of the PC!*

Anyway, it looks sweet, and I'm just bummed that my PC will have no where near the firepower to run the game. Oh well, I'll just have to play it at work!

So check it out. I command you!

*Don't know if that's true, they COULD be porting it from a console, but I doubt it.


Call for ideas! Or something like that...

Well, I'm redoing my portfolio and I need to come up with a good domain name seeing as my first couple of choices were taken. I know, I know, some other idiot had the good sense to use www.crackwhores.com and left me out in the cold, but I'll carry on (I haven't visited said site, so if you check it out, do so at your own risk!). So this is basically a call for ideas for a good site name. I'd like it to be about art and design, seeing as I'm not in the Plumbing industry, although www.1000flushes.com does have a nice ring to it.

So this is how it's going to work, let's submit our ideas via the comments, that way we can all laugh at each other's stupidy. Or genius, because one man's trash is another man's garbage. No wait, that didn't come out right...

Yea, thanks for that last post. Thank you. We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view. Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.
Anyway, speaking of trackhoes, I crushed a little red nissan sentra with one last week. Now im wishing there were an easy way to move crushed cars. Last night I drug it down my driveway with a V-10 Dually flatbed, so the cement trucks can get in this morning.
The Submarine was a quick lego construction of mine while I was waiting for dinner at a friends house the other night. I think I chose the best pictures for it. If anyone has any snide comments I would be glad to hear them as always.
See you all later and keep on blogging!.. Or whatever.