Showing posts with label Supplements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Supplements. Show all posts


The new face of evil...

6 months after the fall of the Empire of Order...

Holographic Hypercomm Transmission
From: Ithany Nova, Grand Admiral, Kron II

Unknown alien fleet has exited Tel'Dabe wormhole two. Communications with the aliens have not been succesful. They outnumber us 3 to 1 and more ships arrive everyday. We require additional ships if we are to hold them here. The two Zol Weapons Platforms are being deployed now and General Cassius has given command over to me...wait a minute... (loss of visual, audio still recording) Deploy battle groups one through ten and alert the ZWP's... damn another 3,000 ships has jumped through the wormhole... signal starfighter command to launch all wings... bring the reserves into formation and activate all gravity well generators... send a hypercomm transmission to Nova Station, I wanted my battlestation here hours ago... prepare the Arcadia's main cannon... (visual restored) Send all available reinforcements but be warned a third of the alien fleet has jumped into hyperspace. I recommend a strategic withdrawl of all civillians in the core to our outer rim strongholds.
Another war has begun gentlemen... I hope to see you at the end of this one too. Nova out.

Transmission ends...

Transmission copyed and sent to all fleet command centers...
Lord Marshal Helos, Marshals Helos, Arkan, and Von Kellor, and Grand Admirals Trevan and Serras confirm transmission recieved.


Where is Anvale?

Secure Military Transmission Incoming...
Standby for confirmation of identity...
Security clearance recognized...
Good Morning Lord Marshal...
From: Jace Cassius, General, Kron IV
I have some good news and bad news.
The good news is the Zol Weapons Platform has completed all trials and is going into service soon. I am sending the schematics for all of our current technology including the ZWP to you. Our shipyards are completing the new Judicator Mk. IIs and our fleet now numbers in the thousands of ships. The cloning technology brought to us by Anvale has produced millions of troops in a very short time. Our current troop strength is over 10 million and we will have another 5 ready in a few more months. The space in the inner core around wormhole is secure.
The bad news is Anvale. He was acting very strange after he returned from the Emperor's palace. He wouldn't make alot of sense when he spoke to me and when he did speak clearly the only thing he said was we are going to need more men and ships. The next time I saw him was in his final transmission to the entire system. He told us we were in charge of defending the galaxy from what was to come. After that he took that massive ship of his and entered the second wormhole.
We still have no idea where Arcturus Anvale is, but our spies within the Order Remnant comfirm that he is not there. This could be the reason you are losing all the hypercomm relays.
I look forward to your response and so does Greken.
Jace Cassius


The Fall of the Order

Hypercomm News Network

Emperor Setis Asheron was killed in a succesful coup d'etat led by revelutionary forces. Lord Marshal Helos declared Marshal Law until the new government could be stablized. At the same time Helos ordered all military forces under his command to stand down. General Arkan amazed all when, shortly after the Lord Marshal's order, he personally surrendered to Helos. The Lord Marshal then promptly pardoned all soldiers under Arkan's command including Arkan himself. They were given the choice of returning to civilian life or rejoining the armed forces. All of them rejoined. Arkan was reinstated as a General and then promoted to Marshal.

Within a week of the former Emperor's death, the reunification of all armed forces and the dissolution of the Empire of Order was complete. After a month of military rule, the Lord Marshal gave up his powers to the provisionary government. An hour later the elections for the canidency of the office of President were open. After a two month campaign, Sil Na'tur became the first President of the Tel'Dabe Republic.

During the month of military rule the people experienced some growing pains. The old system was gone and the new way was here. Lords became Governors, Counts became Regional Governors, and Dukes became Senators. Only a 1/4 of the original leaders continued on to become Governors and Senators. The rest were removed forcefully by mobs of angry citizens and by the military. More than 1/4 of the former leaders of Empire would not give up their positions. These Lords, Counts, and Dukes of the old Order had to be removed by force and many were killed. The remaining aristocracy grouped together with Grand Admiral Salane ,who had refused the Lord Marshal's order taking 3/4's of his entire command, and headed to the Far Reaches. This Remnant of Order has cut off communications with the rest of the galaxy.

The recap of the last few months will continue after these messages...

Are you tired of being small? Try the new and improv.......

***** Hypercomm Relay is offline *****


More interesting suplemental stuff...

My second of these supplemental stuff posts deals with ships. I know Shadowwire has put countless hours in his ship list and I don't mean to tread on it so I have the Tel'Dabe Empire's ship classification list.

Enjoy or do not enjoy... the choice is yours.

Ships of the Imperial Navy

Since the beginning of naval history, warships have been classified into several broad groups according to size and role. At times some of these roles have been out of existence, and from time to time the classes evolve to adopt new roles as the technology and practice of war change. However in a given navy at a given date the sequence of labels always remains the same in terms of ascending size and power of vessels. A frigate is always something less than a destroyer; a destroyer is always less than a cruiser, and so on.

Fleets of the Imperial Navy are made up of multiple vessels that can be divided into eight categories:


A small, very fast vessel with anti-starfighter weapons, gunboats are primarily used to support corvettes and frigates in the escort duty of larger ships.


A small, lightly armed, fast vessel, used mostly for convoy escort, ranging between a destroyer and a gunboat in size, corvettes can be instant death to fighters, bombers, and mechs.


A naval escort vessel between a corvette and a destroyer in size, frigates are used to guard important convoys and other ships as well as being support for larger fleets.


A fast warship with guns and torpedoes used to protect other ships; destroyers are feared for their ability to destroy larger ships.


A warship of high speed and medium armament, cruisers can be found orbiting almost every inhabited system.


A warship equipped with large decks for the launching and returning of starfighters and with facilities to carry, service, and arm them, carriers have moderate speed and are equal in tonnage to most battlecruisers and some battleships.


A warship of maximum speed and fire power, but with lighter armor than a battleship, battlecruisers make up the majority of a fleet. Though not as powerful as a battleship, battlecruisers are much faster and can still deliver a deadly blow.


A warship with the heaviest armor and the largest guns; battleships are huge starships, with enormous amounts of weapons and shields, and usually serve as the flagship for the Sector Group Commander, though this is not always necessarily the case. Although very powerful, battleships are slow to maneuver. Because they represent such a vast expenditure of resources and require a fairly advanced technical base, these are typically constructed only in the largest shipyards. These vessels are expensive assets and are usually employed in only larger fleet formations.

Command ship

Prestige vessel of immense size, durability and armament, used mainly as flagship, communications center and base of operations for fleets of fleets, these large ships are usually one of a kind and modified to serve the commander’s needs.

A note on Imperial Ships – most, if not all, Imperial ships are built by Tacitus Fleet Systems in their massive shipyards above countless planets. All ships are built exactly to specifications with no variants, even if built by another shipyard.


Diversity Tommorow, because today is almost over.

I have been gm'ing a campaign that I have put together that is currently outside of the known Moag galaxies. I am using humans and another race that has yet to be mentioned and I think I will be able to spawn hundreds of more campaigns after I write up all the information floating in my head.
To this end I will post information or ideas of Supplemental Campaigns and such that can be used, twisted, and molded to anyones need.
Oh and bear with me if the names sound kinda familiar to existing things. The story is still in its first few drafts.

So to start... once upon a time there was some dude named Osidus. He left the council to gain more power. Shadowwire can fill in the blanks. Eventually many followed him. Two of these followers, who liked the power he wielded, were twin brother and sister. One was called Agronak the other Atrissia. Both had been council members but left to gain more power for themselves. The made their way over to where Osidus had been building up and convinced him to teach them some nasty willpower techniques. Even though Agronak and Atrissia were both strong willpower users, it wasn't until they learned from Osidus that they reached their peak of power. After absorbing most if not all he had to teach them, they departed to claim control of their own galaxies. Agronak went to the Tel'Dabe galaxy and Atrissia went to the Sas'Kett galaxy. Soon they began to get jealous of each other's power and territory and began a rivalry that lasted for hundreds of years. Agronak would eventually lose the battle because he did not use the techniques that allowed them to steal someone's life force or willpower. This was one of the many techniques Osidus taught them. Atrissia would continue to grow in power by sucking the life force out of all the people in her galaxy. No one could resist her and the council had their hands full with Osidus. Agronak took it upon himself to bring Atrissia's reign of evil to an end. For Agronak believed in having power but he considered her actions to be dishonorable for a being of great ability. Atrissia convinced the weaker minded species of Sas'Kett that Agronak would enslave them and destroy their way of life. Before long, Agronak and his Knight-Lords were overwhelmed by enemies, but this did not keep him down. Being a superior warrior and commander, Agronak eventually destroyed the attacking forces and invaded Sas'Kett. Little did he realize that it was all a trap. Atrissia had seduced his Knight-Lords one by one with promises of power and other such things. With his own armies turning against him Agronak retreated to Tel'Dabe where he began to prepare for the inevitable. Before Agronak's death he built five massive temples in which he could imbue his essence and his power. Knowing that Atrissia would live on by using her demonic techniques, Agronak deduced that he would not be the one to defeat her but years later someone would find the temples and unlock his power.

Yeah, this is kinda the back story of how my supplemental stuff fits in with the normal story. And I'm trying to keep the history vague enough so more things can be added or explained by others. So any input is welcome and hoped for.
Oh and if anyone wants some help coming up with more supplement type things let me know.