
This is just too funny.

For those of you who don't know/remember, I grew up out here in Dugway. This show is just hilarious to me.


Captain Juan

Well here is another drawing I have done of my character Juan Casador kinda in a campaign me and Xzebo are doing. Well in the campaign he doesn't look like this now but it is what he looks like in his nice spiffy officer type uniform.

Hope you all like it... and I hope you all can post some stuff too. :)


Transporter Juan

So for all you MOAGers I present Juan Casador... or at least one of the pictures I am doing of him. I have been in this really cartoonie drawing mood so I decided to do a bunch of MOAG art (which is never bad) then this lead me into a series that I am going to do of Juan about a story/campaign that I am doing and going to do with Xzebo. In this “get-up” Juan is basically just suited for cargo transportation, smuggling and all other every day piloting stuff.

Now addressing other matters I was looking at our poor MOAG Blog and it looks like we have really kinda failed to be active and post much at the end of this year. I am bringing this up because I really hope we all try to post more and/or better because this blog is a fun little inspiration for me and for other MOAGers as well.

Thanks all. And lets all continue to have a great month... well, and rest of the year!