Okay, I apologize, didn't get much art done over the weekend, so there isn't any Monday MOAG art today, but I did get a lot of HTML/CSS work done on some websites, so that counts for something. Maybe.
I did have a good long weekend of Movie watching (along with the BYU-Washington game, horrible call, good result). Turns out the wife was gone for the weekend, so I had the kids and borrowed some animated movies from a co-worker, and that was that. Here's the list of movies, and what I thought about them.

As you can plainly see from the image, the first is another epic from Miyazaki, Nausicaa: Of the Valley of the Wind. I hadn't seen this one, but had heard it was really good. I'd have to agree. While it's not my favorite Miyazaki film, it was, as expected, very good. The kids really liked it, which surprised me, seeing as it's a little more complex and/or darker than My neighbor Totoro. But all in all, it's worth it to see it, if not just it being one of the all time epics in animated movies.
Rating: 4.5 out of 5.1
Don't ask what the .1 is for, I don't know and frankly, it's none of your business.
The second is Triplets of Bellville. Bot and I watched this when it first came out a few years ago, and I have to say it's one of my favorites. This one I will recommend, but I honestly think you need to be an art snob to get it. There is hardly any dialogue in the movie (my kids kept asking why they don't talk), so it's just watching for art's sake.
Rating: 3 Bags of chips and an extra cheese dip. Again, no meaning whatsoever.

The last movie of the weekend was Brad Bird's "Iron Giant". If you're not familiar with this one, you should be shot. It was a spectacular piece done by the director of The Incredibles, and I think it's just as good. I believe Shadowwire and I saw this one, but I wanted my kids to see it. Just a sweet movie.
Rating: Ah, geeze, just go rent it okay? It's good, I promise.
So, there you have it. Anyway, let's keep the posting up. We're on track to have a record month, so bring all the finest meats and cheeses and let's do this...
Okay, it's late. That last line made no sense, and I'm starting to type double...