Mechanically addressed.
I didn't do much on this; Xzebo did the lines and base colors. I just did the shading and background. Which, maybe it is a lot, but it takes me the longest to do the inking.
Anyhow. Xzebo's character Lagarto. Doing repairs. IN THE NUDE.
And hey, can I post this on my devart, bro?
Theory of a Twisted Smile
"RIP Huun
According to Selidor
You looked funny while dying."
Ah, so I was resketching out the Selidor I had put in Juanito's scifi notebook, so I could have a copy... but it kind of evolved. Yeah. And I have no freaking clue what the crap he's wearing. Powerarmor? Something he stole? A suit from a parenthetical dimension? Who knows.
Anyhow, need to finish coloring/shading Xzebo's pic next, and I want to post up my favorite MOAG story... So much to do, and a lot of time to do it in, luckily.
[edit] Oh look. The color scheme matches the blog title. Woot.
Happy 2nd Anniversary MOAG Blog!!!
What has changed?... Well, not much. We still post stories, cool art and ramblings of the not so coherent nature. It is still a place where friends can share their love for a game that we all... love?
Anyway, I think I am going to reinstate the ToD (Topic of Discussion) posts here. The rules, for those who don't know or just plain forgot, are as follows: the reply to a ToD should be done in a new post not in the comment area. This makes it easier to sort through and gives us more numbers on the post count. Replies can be anything relating to the topic (short, long, etc. it doesn't matter) just stay focused on the topic. Other than that, just have fun.
The new ToD is: Favorite MOAG story!
This can be a general run down of a campaign or what was happening in "the real world" when the game was going on.
There you go MOAGers, post away!
Bot out.
Coloring Update...
Okay, so here's the latest. It's taking me a little longer to do the finish work. Still trying to figure out some of Sketchbook Pro's little quirks. It just doesn't do some things that photoshop will do, which I'm trying to work around, but I'll probably just take it into photoshop to give it the final touches... or not. I'm trying not to, but who knows. Anyway, on another note, I'll be down that way in two weeks, so we'll have to get together and do something, if not a quick HTML editing class so youz guyz can add stuff to the MOAG site.
Sabu Nortrax - Color first pass
Well, Sabu Nortrax is, well, don't know how I can put this, well, he's an assassin. He's a part of the Nar-Eskan military, and as such is well funded, and has some pretty cool stuff. For example, the rifle he's holding is a special plasma sniper rifle, which breaks down into the small backpack that he wears on his back. He also has a suit that masks his heat and electronic signatures. There's a picture of him in the MOAG book, if you want to see him wearing the suit.
En'viere and Selidere.. I mean, Selidor and En'vior... I mean... whatever.
I changed Selidor's armor a bit, and got his face to match more of how I imagined it. And I'm not sure if those are really what the Atrician armblades En'viere has look like... but her whole outfit reminds me of a praying mantis, so it makes me happy.
It's kind of light, but all the words say are their info and such.
And I'm going to throw in this one too before many people see it. Just a speedsketch of Selidor in a chatroom drawing program. Might make a good bookmark. Oh, and didn't like his eyes, SO I DESTROYED THEM.
Sabu Nortrax
Enter Lagarto Cinza
Mkay, first things first, there are two very noticible things about this picture... first; It's obviously not done, yeah i'm working on the shading right now so that'll come later. And the second thing... HE'S NEKKID!!!!!!!!!!! Yup thats right, He does all his repairs in the nude, and if you don't like it you can find yourself a new repairman...er repairmacaneon...... LOL jk
Anywho he is my character that I am currently playing. His name is Lagarto Cinza, which actually means "Gray Lizard" He was born on Jabro but he doesn't remember it as he and his family moved to a large mining ship (not unlike Red Dwarf) when he was young, his stats are geared toward repairs and piloting since that was his life until recently when he left with his rusty beat up A.G.C.V. to Koge to look for work as a mercenary.
A little about the picture, he's holding an all purpose tool that i have yet to name in his upper right hand, and in his lower left is a hologlove that projects a keyboard as well as blueprints and schematics that have been downloaded, and in his lower right hand he's holding a screw for some device (probably an AGCV)
Well that's it for a bit until i finish shading and whatnot (I actually got a picture of him in power armor drawn but will have to work on it) If you all have any questions or comments feel free to tell me.
The S.E.T.F.
Well as you can probably see I am super bored... it also doesn't help that I accidentally fell asleep taking a nap from 7pm till 9pm, and now I can't sleep. Well I hope you all like the metallic logo design for the SETF group, a group of cyborgs (and soon to be cyborgs) we're playing as right now in MOAG. Let me know what you all think! Thanks. And
Youtube on the MOAGblog?!??!!!
This is a sculpt I made last night. I decided I liked it (mainly the neck), and wanted to do more with it, so I made a new model, and modeled around it using retopo to keep it the same shape as the original mesh. The original is on the right, and the better mesh is on the left. The reason I did this, is because the original was just a box that had been extruded a few times, subdivided a lot, and sculpted. I wanted not only to lower the polygon count significantly, but I wanted a better mesh with decent edge flow. I succeeded at least, at lowering the poly count. If anyone wants it, tell me, and I'll email the .blend file. Since blender's like 13mbs, you should be able to get it easily. http://www.blender.org/
Admiral Jaal
More Klisk Admiral... (Still a work in progress...)
Klisk Admiral WIP and Other stuffs.
Okay, so to begin, I just had the 2nd of 3 surgeries to remove some bad vericose veins in my legs yesterday. Needless to say, I'm limping around and have some time on my hands. So yesterday, while I was fighting off the effects of the pain killers and watching The Tale of Desperaux (which I highly recommend), I sketched the above image. It's a Klisk Admiral, and I fully intend on my finishing it and posting it this weekend. Anyway, I'll keep you updated, and whatnot.
The Company of the Monkey
The Fine Mr. Jezerit.
p.s. I'm assuming we can still post here even with the new MOAG site? Which looks absolutely breathtaking, by and by.
p.p.s. I bought a special dice set for Selidor today (with Juanito and X-zebo) ... it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.