
New MOAG Book... Table of Contents

K so here is the first post I am making for the first MOAG Book revision:

It is a Table of Contents, HOWEVER things are not absolutely going to be in this order... Though I did sort of arrange it so related things would be near each other.

Here you go:

- Introductory Statement
- Master Table of Contents
- List of Playable and Non-Playabe Species and their averages
- Character Creation Section
--- Rules and Instructions to create a character
--- Species Rolls
--- Percentile List
--- Strength Factor List
- Playable Species Description Section
-- Table of Contents for the Species
--- Humans - Picture, Descriptions, History and Facts
--- Cylonquin
--- Nar-Eskan
--- Macaneon
--- Klisk
--- Conara
--- Ucasi
--- Quell
--- Gargonan
--- Mo-Ti-Qee
--- Gorloch
--- Andoken-Gorloch
--- Xoroth
--- Sargonian
--- Ormigite
--- Sas-Quetian (Spelling?)
--- Tel'Dabe Humans
- Non-Playabe Species Section (Sentient)
--- Creinoc
--- Var-Ce-Arah
--- Chameele
--- Ax-Doiyoki
--- Masters
--- Titans
--- Atrissian
--- Enring
--- Amlid
- Character Sheets
- Willpower Section
--- Explanation of Willpower
--- List of Willpower Skills and explanations of each
- Hit Location Chart
- Fighting Style Section
--- List with one section for each playable species
- Projectile Weapon Section
--- Explanation of Personal Weapons
--- Explanation of Vehicle Weapons
--- List with one section for each species and company
- Melee Weapon Section
--- Explanation of Melee Weapons
--- List with one section for each species and company
- Armor Section
--- Explanation of different types of armor and bonuses
--- List with one section for each species and company
- List and description of all major companies
- Technology Section
--- Transitons
--- Transiton Communications Arrays
--- Hyper Drives
--- Sub-Space Drives
--- Cyborgs
--- Shields
--- Masking Equipment
--- Scanners
--- Computers
- Ship Section
--- Explanation of ships
--- List with one section for each species and company
--- Scale Chart
- AGCV Section
--- Explanation of AGCVs
--- List with one section for each species and company
- Item list with costs
- Star Charts
- Lore Section
--- Things that would be "Legends" or "Legendary" (Gargens and other stuff like that)
- Story Section
- Picture Section

Now like I said none of this is set in stone, but it is what i would think should be in the MOAG Book.

If there are any mistakes, like playable races I left out, or if one of the races is or isn't playabe, please please PLEASE tell me so I can correct it. Otherwise, this is the Table of Contents Rough Draft and I will begin to try to make it look like this.

Any comments please don't hesitate to say anything.


I want more MOAG!

Okay so as much as I do want more MOAG... what I actually want is to be able to look up stuff on MOAG and not have to run immediately to West or Carl for a MOAG related question.

So I make a proposition to all MOAGers, I want to finish everything for the fabled MOAG Book, that's right, I said: "EVERYTHING"

There's been lots of talk about finishing the MOAG Book, for example finishing all playable species descriptions and fixing all the little errors that have come up through play, (such as weapon weights, damage, costs and so forth) but with all the talk we actually haven't got around to doing anything... and I want to now.

I think finishing the MOAG Book will, in general, make MOAG more user friendly and noob learnable and less confusing. I also think it's a huge step in make MOAG more widely accessible to those who don't have the creator of the universe within a ten minute drive.

The biggest problem with this proposition is the carrying out of the plan... HOW we are going to finish the MOAG Book... I have a few ideas:

1) We keep a MOAG Error Book, where we can, if ever there is something that comes up during play that is incorrect or misinformation in the MOAG Book, we can write it down in the MOAG Error Book and correct the information later in the week when we are not playing.

2) I will go through the MOAG Book and make a list of everything that needs to be updated, and I will post it here, that way, all MOAG veterans can look over the list and just post what they know on the topics, and afterwards i will take that info, retype it and put it back into the MOAG Book.

Those are my two big ideas, however any input at all will be much appreciated. Please give me ideas on how we can better the MOAG Book, or how we can facilitate the access of MOAG information.



Is MOAG Dead?

Where is MOAG? Last time I checked MOAG was nowhere to be found. Perhaps it fell in here?
Ahhh... But MOAG is not dead! It has indeed taken a fall, however I continue to write! others continue to draw/paint... do art stuff. whatever.
Anyway where was I going with this?
Ah yes. MOAG has had a long sabbatical, but now is the time for it to spring into action! This is a call to all my past MOAGing people! Let do this!