

Okay, so there was supposedly a plan to go down to St. George last month for a MOAG night to end all MOAG nights, and well, unfortunately for you, but fortunately for me, the Jimmer show rolled through Denver, so I had to go. Despite that awesomeness, we were out one MOAG night. Well lads and ladies, fear no more! That's right, we have another tour date! Friday, May 20th will be the next MOAG night of Doom. I'll be getting through Cedar roughly around noon, and will be heading down to the Condo De La MOAG as soon as I can drag Carl and Wes from their families and heading down.

Join us one and all for what will surely be the greatest night of MOAGing EVAR!* Anyway, I'll let Messrs Shadowwire and Bot take care of the details on the southern end of things, and Juanito, bring your new bride! Wait, is she aware of this obsession of yours? If not, then don't bring her, tell her you're hanging out with your nerd friends, and she better stay home as to not get any of the nerd on her. Oh who am I kidding, bring her.

And I promise there will be no Jimmer related issues to make this not happen!

*Totally biased statement...

Reytak Married?!?!?!

Hey everyone so I am getting married in basically 2 weeks (thats me Juanito not Reytak). Anyway I know that not a lot of MOAGers post very regularly so I don't even know if many even look at this blog any more but me and my brother Xzebo we talking about trying to get on an post more stuff on this blog just to keep up to date and keep me busy and thinkin about MOAG stuff lol. So here is a kinda dark n' gritty (B.P.R.D. comic) style picture of Reytak the Vagabond. Hope you like and I am just going to throw out there Reytak may be getting retired here in a few months or so.