I miss the care free nights of my youth staying up tell 5:30 am playing M.O.A.G.
So I've decided to start up a M.O.A.G. gaming night closer to home.
But I need the help of my fellows from the homelands of M.O.A.G. the keepers of the mystical box.
Here is my idea, I want to start up a group from the beginning. With just the basic core species (Conara, Gargonan, Klisk, Macaneon, Sargonian, Cylonquin, Ucasi, and of course Human.) I will be introducing some new people to the M.O.A.G. universe, begining with the invasion of Earth, and exploring Koje station.
Some of the things I will need are some of the notable names, places, and events of the early years. Specifically people of note, and their story's. Plus I need some ideas for sight seeing in the known universe. If I could get some stats for important people aswell all these things would be of great help.
Its going to take some time in the planning stages, but I want to get this started soon. So, anything you all can post on the blog to help me out would greatly appreciated.
Please help me start up M.O.A.G. North.