
Business Lag

In adherence to the Aegis' strict dress standards, here is Lagarto in business formal wear... and business casual..... and informal.... and everything else, in fact this is about all he wears :)

I might add in a brief bio of Lagarto later on but for now enjoy a new pic of your resident mad scientist!
~Xzebo out.



Baaby Lag!

There... that's it to this post... nothing else :)


Ushkayin Physiology, Society and Technology

Hello again. This will be the last post of the Ushkayin. I am currently working on some short stories and laying down the final outline for a bigger story (possible novel) plus I am going to be helping Omally and Xzebo with the storyline of a comic that they are doing, so my time is being used up elsewhere, but I wanted to give some more details on the Ushkayin before I set them free to whatever fate the future holds for them.

*Ushkayin Physiology*
Head: Long and narrow. There are three ridges on top of the cranium that change color and size to show emotion. They have three sets of eyes. Two sets are large and oblong. They see in infrared and ultraviolet. These sets are membranes that have the ability to fold shut, but usually stay open. The third set, which sees in visible light, resembles that of most other species. They are twice the size of the average adult human and have no iris or sclera (whites.) The cornea covers the entire front half of the eyes and the eyelids function much as our iris' do.

The mouth and nose have both been replaced by the respirator. They have no hair or fur anywhere, although most males have facial markings that does resemble a "five o'clock shadow."

Neck: This is very short and thick, with the same circumference as the bottom of the head. This makes it look like the head has been placed directly on the shoulders.

Between Head and Torso: The sensory and primary brains work in tandem. The spinal cord is twice as thick from where the two brains attach to the spinal column. This allows for better processing between the brains. The sensory brain, which sits below the ridges in the head, takes care of vision, olfactory and other senses as well as basic involuntary motor function. It is the size and shape of an average human hand laid out flat with all fingers close together. The primary brain, which sits in the torso and is surrounded by cartilage, takes care of the rest. It is the size of two average human fists. There have been cases where non-functioning sections of one of the brains have been taken over by the other. Ushkayins have no brain stem.

Torso: The torso is somewhat thin, but elongated to make room for the primary brain amongst the other organs. They have only one lung, but it has eight different compartments to prevent a total lung collapse. The heart has four chambers. The stomach is a gastric mill (gizzard) that is a narrow tube with several pieces of cartilage lining the inside. This takes care of all digestion and nutrient absorption since the Ushkayin do not have teeth or saliva and never had. The single intestine takes care of water absorption and passes waste from the body.

Arms: The arms have a shoulder joint, elbow joint and wrist joint. Hands have three bones in the palm, but the fingers function like tentacles and have no bones. An Ushkayin grip is surprisingly powerful.

Legs: There are hip, knee and ankle joints, but the feet have only two small bones in it. The Ushkayin also have no toes.

Skin Color: There are three main skin colors for the Ushkayin: Brown, Orange and Gray. Each group has varying degrees of shades amongst them.

Eye Color: The two sets of membrane eyes are usually the same color and are a very dark hue. The visible light eyes are always black as there is no iris for pigmentation.

Ridge Color: The base color for the ridges are always a light neutral color, but the colors change drastically with mood. This makes deceiving nearly impossible in Ushkayin culture.

Maturity: Ushkayin reach maturity between the age of 13 to 15 years. Females can give birth from 15 to 20 years and then become incapable of bearing children after. Females have 2 or 3 children in a pregnancy, with a small percentage having 4. Almost unheard of is a single child pregnancy, but it is has happened.

Respirator: The picture provided earlier (Ushkayin headshot) has a standard respirator, but they can vary from region or with technology. The tube on the bottom is the olfactory sensor (the nose). The tube on the side is the respiratory filter. The port (flap) on the other side is the nutrient consumption port. The four black squares are exhaust ports.

*Ushkayin Society*
Ushkayin communities vary in size from small villages with a few hundred people to vast metropoli with millions. With lying considered to be a major criminal offense (only murder is considered worse) politicians are elected for their honesty and religious background. Regional Senators, which vary according to a regions population, act as mediators to all disputes in their region. Each community has a mayor and various specialists as needed for the community. The Ushkayin have no real military force, but instead each community has a volunteer militia in which every male above the age of 15 can join or be drafted to if needs be. The militias are rarely used. Policing is handled by community governments and only when needed.

Each region elects one of their Senators as a speaker. Their are 15 speakers with one elected as the Majority Mediator. If disputes are not settled by the regional senator then it goes to the speakers and then on to the Majority Mediator. Also, if voting is deadlocked between the speakers, the Majority Mediator casts the deciding vote.

Religion is a huge part of Ushkayin culture and has survived even with their move to Ushun. They believe in a single deity that placed them on Mardka at the beginning of time. They describe this deity as having tan skin, fur on the top of his head and only two eyes.

*Ushkayin Technology*
Medical Tech: Due to the pandemic that affected the Ushkayin, medical technology has grown by leaps and bounds in the three hundred years they have been on Ushun. They have discovered cellular regeneration therapies, target cancer cures and stable cloning technologies just to name a few.

Military Tech: Uh... no. Not really, no. The Ushkayin are a very peaceful race. For as long as records show they have had one government ruling all Ushkayin (and Mardkayin) and one religion. This means that military tech has not advanced much past ballistic and melee weapons.

Other Tech: Ushkayin still use ground vehicles and winged aircraft, having not invented hover abilities. They have produced hyperdrive, but do not have artificial gravity. Instead ships use centrifugal force to mimic gravity.

Ok, that's about all I have time to put down. Good luck to everyone that has or will post a species. I like everyone's so far and imagine that I will like all of them.

Bot out.

The Siksuus

Communication Log 978-089089-2347
Security level Alpha required

Report of Commander Zar Nowak, Commander of the Frigate “Kraden”

begin transmission:

“It has been [REDACTED] since we left on our current mission to [REDACTED].
We had picked up a distress signal in what was previously reported as an uninhabitable system. The signal was a Conar ship, but the origin of the signal was quite old.

We jumped into the far side of the system, hoping to go unnoticed from the Cruiser, in accordance to our mission parameters. Passive scans show the ship to be one of the first Conar ships fitted with a Faster than Light drive. We believe the ship to be the CN Styrrok. We have submitted our scan for analysis [REDACTED].

According to the official Conara report, the Styrrok had a long and illustrious career before being retired from service after 50 years. But intelligence from [REDACTED] has revealed that the Styrrok was reported missing 3 months into it's maiden voyage, no record of its whereabouts can be found.

We were ordered to observe the Styrrok until the 7th Fleet could arrive to deal with the possibility of any Conar survivors on board, but more likely to salvage the ship and mine it for any information that we could find.

The arrival of the Fleet brought about the first noticeable change to the Styrrok, the signal went from a general distress call to a plea for help fixing a hyperdrive. The Kraden was ordered to dock with the Styrrok and provide any needed assistance.

Upon docking, we were met not by Conar, but by a species called the Siksuus. The Styrrok had originally picked up 10 Siksuus from their home planet. They were very primative, taken in as pets. The Conar taught them basic Conach, but their education was cut short when the primative Hyperdrive the Styrrok had went out 3.5 months into their mission. The Conar crew lasted 2 years, drifting through space, before a mutiny killed 1/3 of the crew, and the rest abandoned the Styrrok and the Siksuus to try their luck in the only remaining shuttle. The Siksuus, using the available materials found in the ships computer, continued their own education. They eventually fixed the ship, even making some improvements of their own designs. The only thing they couldn't fix was the hyperdrive, and that was because they didn't have the parts needed (although the crude work around they implemented using various parts found throughout the ship did get them a working drive that at least enabled them to pilot the ship.

The Siksuus couldn't find any reference of their home planet in the Conar database, and were simply choosing galaxies at random, looking for their home planet.
From the original ten Siksuus, the total on board numbered 1383. We transported the Siksuus to [REDACTED] where they are currently beginning to establish their society with the help of KMF support.”

Species information:

Average Height – 4'6”
Average Weight – 90 Lbs.
Body is covered with thin blue hair, but the mane and top of head can have a range of color.
Skin color is blue, with slight variations. Each Siksuus has a distinct pattern that can range from just the top of the head to a full body pattern, usually the pattern is orange, but there have been noted cases of red and yellow.

Average Lifespan - ? The lifespan of the Siksuus is yet to be determined, as the only deaths noted among the ship were accidents or fatalities from trying to fix the ship. In fact, the original 10 Siksuus are still with the colony, and are in what we can only assume is excellent health. The oldest of member, Styrrok (named after the ship, he doesn't remember a name before that) is estimated to be 180 years old.

Languages spoken – Conach, Sik ( This is a combination of the gutteral, primal language the Siksuus used before the Conar found them, and military Conar). The Siksuus only recently started to expand their language and at last report had finally implemented and recorded an alphabet.

Species Averages:
Strength – 8
Endurance – 8
Dexterity – 18
Reasoning – 18
Knowledge – 14
Perception – 20
Comeliness – 9
Charisma – 14
Heal - 18

End transmission.


Introducing the Mon Tangrien. Loose translation "The people of Tangri"

Silicon based Squid like creature native to the inhospitable planet known as Tangri.
With high atmospheric temperature average of 1200°F.
The Mon Tangrien live in the molten ocean's that remain between 530°-790°F

With the ability to change color much like the earth cuddle fish, and 360° field of vision, most communication is done with visual cues. Naturally curious and gentle creatures the social structure revolves around being the farthest traveled among their social group. Scientific and engineering positions are the most sought after jobs.
They are asexual and reproduce with eggs that are exchanged between partners. Once hatched offspring will rely on their parent for approximately 2 years before venturing out on their own. Subduing a mate involves display's of ability to reproduce the sights and sounds of other places and species.

Although excellent swimmers the Mon Tangrien would not do well in most oceans as we know them, and are required to be in an environmentally contained bio capsule for most interaction with species not adapt to their environment.
As part of their unusual biochemistry the Mon Tangrien produce a byproduct that, similar to Sodium Pentothal, causes susceptibility to suggestion in most carbon based lifeforms.  In a strange twist of circumstances the Sargonian are immune to this effect, however the Mon Tangrien have discovered that the Sargonian are quite tasty, like a popsicle.

Strength: 1D4+3
Endurance: 1D4+4
Dexterity: 2D12+2
Heal: 2D10+3
Comeliness: 1D10+3
Charisma: 1D10+3
Perception: 4D8+4
Reasoning: 2D12+2
Knowledge: 1D10+5
Willpower: +2

I was going to include a picture of the Environmental Capsule used by the Mon Tangrien however I suck at art and was unsuccessful at drawing it. It is egg shaped with between six and eight arms used for locomotion, and manipulating objects. Each arm is equipped with tools to pick things up, cut things, drill, sense texture, sense temperature, maneuver in a vacuum, and adhere to surfaces. For now use your imagination.

The Mon Tangrien have been exploring the cosmos for approximately 900 years and have colonized 7 planets to date. However they only recently discovered  carbon based life, having made contact with a Mo-Ti-Qee exploratory party. Typical habitable planets are about 3x the mass of earth and very close to the parent star.


A Timeline of Mardka

Hello again everyone. Nothing like a good old fashioned Species Contest to get Bot's creative juices flowing! Anyway, I read Xzebo's entry into the contest and laughed a little bit. I think that we are on the same brain wavelength or something. We must be related. While the Tnne-Jin are a sub-species of the Tno-Jin, the Ushkayin are a descendant of another species in the Mardka/Ushun system. So, no I didn't change the name of the planet the Ushkayin are from, this is just a little history lesson. So... STORY TIME!!! Grab a juice box, sit down (criss-cross applesauce) and enjoy. Let's start with a little background.

Zero Event is the day that the Ushkayin believed that their plight began and all time is based off of this event. It started approximately 362 Ushkayin years ago. For the sack of continuity and peoples brain functions, we will stick with Ushkayin years in this story, but you can think of it as Earth years if you wish. If you really want me to, contact me and I will convert the time to Earth years just for you. Anyway!!! Now for the actual story, if you need a new juice box please get it now and return to your square on the carpet.

Zero Event: (Mardka is the only inhabited planet in the Mardka/Ushun system at this time.) Mardkayin doctors begin to see a sharp rise in respiratory infections amongst the population. Speculation, starts as to the origin of the infection. Population of Mardka is approximately 8.5 billion.

37 YPZE (Years Past Zero Event): A group of Mardkayin scientists and doctors have discovered the cause of the respiratory infections. An airborne spore produced by various plant life on Mardka is present in every victim of the respiratory infection.

41 YPZE: The spore that caused the respiratory infection has claimed more than half the population of Mardka. Out of the remaining 4.2 billion alive, only .1% are not infected and determined to be immune. The remaining 99.9% of the population have a respirator installed. This new technology cures the infection and allows for a near normal life.

56 YPZE: Doctors and scientists have discovered that the spore which is causing the respiratory infection affects the Mardkayin physiology on the genetic level. It is also determined that the spore is weakening the immune system of all that are infected. With no real cure in sight and the true aggressive nature of the spore found, the world government begins funding any group that shows promise in faster than light travel. This is due to the recent discovery of a habitable planet in the system that scientists have named Ushun.

59 YPZE: Mass production of FTL ships begins. A huge workforce is used to produce the ships and 20 ships are online and ready for transport at the end of the year. Each trip takes 1 Mardkayin day (28.2 Earth Hours) and each ship can carry 500,000 Mardkayins. The migration takes five and a half years. Once established on Ushun the 4.2 billion Mardkayins change their species name to Ushkayin in appreciation of their new home. The 4.2 million Mardkayin (the unaffected) stay behind on Mardka to set up commerce with Ushun and to continue pursuing a cure for the spore.

109 YPZE: Trade and communication between Mardka and Ushun continue to be solid and the two planets have a good relationship. 95% of the crews on the cargo ships are Ushkayin. Mardkayins are starting to show signs of physical weakness and psychological problems (paranoia) when leaving Mardka for extended periods of time.

154 YPZE: Research by Mardkayin scientists into the spores has led to a grave discovery. The damage on the genetic level to the Ushkayin cannot be cured and is estimated to take thousands of years to recover from as the genetic disease needs to be "evolved" out of the them.

164 YPZE: Mardkayin scientists find that their own population is evolving rapidly. Their immune systems are becoming stronger at an inexplicably fast rate and new generations show more strength and agility than each previous generation. Doctors also predict that the life expectancy for each new generation doubles that of the previous generation. Unfortunately, Mardkayin and Ushkayin scientist discover that the same spore that caused the weakened immune system has somehow changed and is causing the accelerated evolution of the Mardkayins. It is determined by both planets that if Ushkayins return to Mardka it will be fatal.

270 YPZE: After only eight generations, the Mardkayin evolution has reached a pinnacle. Mardkayins are now expected to live for several millennium. They are physically totally different then the Ushkayin, whom they share a common ancestry with. They are also psychologically superior on a vast scale. Unfortunately, this has come at a great cost. Mardkayins have developed a symbiotic relationship with the plant life of Mardka and therefore cannot leave the planet without the aid of bio-engineered environmentally sealed suits. These suits only allow for a few days time before the Mardkayins start to feel nausea and paranoia.

Present day: Relations between Ushun and Mardka are as strong as ever. Ushun operates and maintains the fleet of cargo runners necessary for the survival of the Ushkayin population. The Mardkayin take care of sterilization, packaging and other logistics of the vast shipping routes. All of which is done without financial compensation of any kind.

Well, hope you enjoyed this. Please dispose of empty juice boxes in the trash receptacles.

I will be doing another post on information very soon!

Bot out.


Better Late Than Never.

So here is my entry for the 2nd Species Contest! I actually finished them a while ago but I wanted to finish the drawings to go along with the entry before I submitted anything. Anywho, Here they are!!!

Tennë-Jin’ Raka (Tnnë-Jin)
            The Tennë-Jin’ Raka or Tnnë Jin’ (same difference in meaning between People and Human) shared their home planet Röq-Najaa with the Tnö-Jin. The two races may once have been the same species but as a result of ages and ages of caste system exclusion and segregation, two genetically similar but different species evolved on their home planet.
            Firstly, there were the Tnö Jin’. They evolved to be very flexible, with a commanding and often times intimidating mental and physical presence. The Tnö were advanced in science, government, combat and willpower. They were an honorable yet prideful species.
Secondly there was the Tnnë-Jin, a subservient slave race to the Tnö Jin’. The Tno, who were more powerful,  believed that the Tnne were inferior versions of themselves, simply “Tno’s gone wrong,” like they weren’t quite a sentient race, and that they needed to be enslaved for their own protection. Because the Tno were so much more powerful than the Tnne, the Tnne could never really argue against the Tno’s superiority and the majority of the Tnne were naturally conditioned to believe that their enslavement was necessary.
The Tnnë-Jin on the other hand, evolved to have good hearing and sight plus smaller physical builds to notice and flee from their slavers.  An uprising may someday have occurred if not for the genocide of the Tno, which the Tnne refer to as “the Culling.”
Thousands of years ago, in a history that was been lost to time, the Tnnë saw the complete eradication of their masters. They don’t really understand what happened.  Some people think it was the vengeance of an angry deity, and others think that the Tno finally reached the pinnacle of evolution and were changed or cut down by some cosmic force, hence why this event is referred to as “the Culling.” Regardless of the truth, the only thing that remains in the history books is that supposedly a giant metal dragon descended from the sky and separated the two races, cutting down the Tnö Jin’ and completely ignoring the Tnnë-Jin. The entire event lasted a mere several days, and then the beast left.
With the almost overnight eradication of their masters, the surviving Tennë-Jin’Raka society was thrown into anarchy and they almost went extinct themselves. Very few had any idea how to use any form of technology, the few who did were so conditioned to never use their master’s technology that they would have rather died anyway.  Without the calming aura of the Tnö Jin’ the slaves began fighting for food and power. Starvation was the leading cause of death with fighting coming in a close second. This lasted for about two months before a Tnnë-Jin female, who today is heralded as a hero, started reasoning with all the remaining slaves until they all had come together, maybe not unified but at least cooperated enough to survive as a species.  A census was taken in the aftermath, and roughly only 10% of the Tnnë-Jin population survived, barely several million. Këm-Yvan, the hero of the Tnnë, was one of the few who actually knew how to operate Tno tech. She taught others how to use technology and slowly the Tennë-Jin’Raka began to prosper and eventually think for themselves.
Race Name:  Tennë-Jin’Raka
Home Planet:  Röq-Najaa
Languages:  Alk-Nakesh, (the masters language) Alk-Nikaan (the slaves language)
Avg. Lifespan: 130 years
Sleep Habits: 10 hours out of every 35, (10 asleep, 25 awake)
Avg. Height: 7’6” (extreme height variations common, i.e. between 6 to 9 feet)
Avg. Weight: 250 lbs.
Hair:  No head hair but can sometimes have small thin horns
Eyes: They have four eyes where the iris can be any possible color (Shard lines of different colors common)
Skin: Their skin is much like humans but it is grayish in color, they are covered in light fur or fuzz which can be any color (Pastel colors most common.)
Ears: They have 4 thin long pointy ears
Arms: They have two arms which, compared to humans, look elongated and thin.
Hands: They have no thumbs, but 4 symmetrically placed strong and flexible fingers. No fingernails.
Feet: They have 4 flexible big toes (which in truth are more like big fingers on their feet.) Two are pointed forward and are more slender and can grab things, and two are pointed backwards and are thicker and not so flexible and are used for balance.
Physical Description: Tall and slender, (to the point of looking frail) there are no overweight Tnne unless they are sick (Genetically incapable of creating stored energy as fat, leading cause of death is malnutrition and starvation.)
            They have a prehensile tail (strong enough to grab and hang from but not dexterous enough to do advanced actions, such as firing a gun) it can be used to pick up or carry objects and it is also long enough to “hand” objects to the arms.
            They have one 6 chambered symmetrical heart that sits in the middle of the chest and 4 lungs, two normal sized and two small redundant lungs (1/4th the size of their normal lungs).
            They have above average strength but look frail and slender because of the length of their extremities.
Possible Average Attributes:
Strength: 13
Endurance: 11
Knowledge: 8
Reasoning: 10  
Charisma: 10
Comeliness: 10
Dexterity: 13
Perception: 16
Heal: 8
Willpower start: 0 (no bonus) 

Society: Their society was based, for a long time, on just survival, creating a commonwealth, in which the people were united by a compact of the people for the common good. This came to be known as the Këm-Yvan Commonwealth, taking its name from the hero (Këm-Yvan) who created “the Pact”, the writ of rules, regulations and laws that all citizens should follow to survive and prosper. In recent times however the commonwealth is shifting to an oligarchy, where a group of individuals claim authority based on wealth and power. Though the Commonwealth of Këm-Yvan is still claimed to be in effect, the wealthy and powerful have great influence over the affairs of state.
About 65% of the survivors from the aftermath were female so they became the majority of the leaders. Genetically about 60% of newborns are female. So males are less common in everyday life. Families are close-knit and very protective of each other; it is not uncommon to see one household that has four or five generations present.
Military and Tech:  Every member of society must serve in the military for at least 1 year, during this time each person is taught and given more insight on how to use old world Tno tech. After the one mandatory year each person is given the option to remain in the military for however long they want, the military is one of the best paid occupations. There are no police functions as the military serves as the law keepers.
The technological advances in Tnnë society came from two separate endeavors, one; to create or discover new things, and two; to reverse engineer old Tnö Jin’ technology, so they are both advanced and not advanced at the same time, for example they do not have wireless telephones and only the military and wealthy have computers, but, by reverse engineering old Tno tech they actually have achieved FTL travel. (In human eras the Tnnë-Jin would be in the equivalent of the 50’s or 60’s.)
Physiologically, it is easier for the Tnne to hold spherical objects (because of their hands), so Tnne equipment, utensils and weapons are usually spherical or curved and almost always symmetrical. For example the Tnne keyboard is slightly curved and there are 40 buttons total, 20 buttons radiate outward for each hand with five for each finger grouped at the cardinal directions. (north, south, etc.)

(Example of a Tnnë-Jin keyboard)

Fighting Styles: These fighting styles were originally created by the Tno, but were learned and perfected by the slaves after the Culling.
            - Tnö-Iatrii – This is their hand to hand combat. It employs flips and spins to hit and grapple.
            - Tnö-Chaell (Ball and Chain) – They invented this form of fighting because their hands have no thumbs and it is easiest for them to grasp spherical shaped objects. They use a chain about 3 feet long with a metal ball on each end (a Chaellen) that can be used for offense or defense.
            - Tnö-Aatiritee – This is what the military teaches, it is the combined use of Iatrii and Chaell in fighting.

Star System: the name of their home system is Rään and it is a binary sun system, having a blue giant and a white dwarf. There are five planets in the system where their home-planet: Röq-Najaa is the third in line and the only habitable one in the system; it has 3 moons, each which orbit the planet at different angles and distances. The planet is 70% water where most of the land is near the equator and tropical in climate. There are ice islands near the poles. The Axis tilt is 2.1 degrees, being almost completely perpendicular to its orbit plane. The surface gravity is .91, which is slightly less than earth. There are 35 hours in a day and one year is 421 days. The home galaxy for the Rään system is called the Qäe-Siriia Nebula, which lies relatively close to the Thanok galaxy.

            The Këm-Yvan Commonwealth has explored their own system and some surrounding areas but they have only just begun to colonize other worlds. The KYC military is in charge of the deep space exploration program and because of population and land issues (current population on Roq-Najaa is 15 billion) they are very interested in exploring and claiming new areas for themselves.

Below are two pictures of different Tnne-Jin, the first is Commander Cha-Abakk Geij who is sporting a basic military space faring uniform and wielding a classic Chaellen, and the second is Colonel Roq-Jako who is wearing the flexible yet durable Special Forces Armor, and wielding light rapid fire arm cannons on both forearms and holding a custom made SMG sidearm.

Hope you guys like them!
Xzebo out.