
OMG!!! Bot Still Plays Vidja Games? Duh.

Well, it's been a while since I have done my video game pick of the moment and I thought I would resurrect it for old times sake. So, without further ado, my number 1 game of all time... for this moment is...

.... What? You're not surprised?

Anyway, I love me some Rock Band and put a 4 behind it and I love it even more. Just kidding about the adding numbers part. Look, Harmonix knows how to make rhythm games and now that they are back to being their own company, not owned by anyway, they got back to fundamentals. No more keyboard, no more pro guitar and no more figurines of your characters that you can buy for way too much money.

It's back to being Rock Band and when I say Rock Band I mean Rock Band 1. The one that got me addicted. Now, don't get me wrong, it's not the same game and there are some things that I do miss (Ion, I'm looking in your direction) and one of them is the amazing character creator from Rock Band 3, but is the game really about making your character look awesome?! Well, yes and no. It was fun spending time looking through all the crap stuff to find that one accessory that made your character AMAZING, but we (as DBS) spent hours playing RB4 on the first night I got it over to Mr. Wire's house.

RB4 is not a step back either, by any means. Putting it on the current Gen (I got mine on XBOX -719) gave them the ability to put some amazing things on it that I don't think they could've done on the legacy gen. The vocal freestyle mode is so much fun. The game gives you lines on the vocal track that are pitches that are in the key of the song and if you can sing on those lines then you get adlib bonuses and can keep your multiplier alive with it. It's fun to just bust out and try new things on songs that are my favorites.

Plus, guitar (wait for it.........) freestyle solos!!!! Yep, they give you guides during all the solos for the guitar tracks and you can follow along with them to keep your multiplier up or you can just freak out and play amazing guitar solos of your own. Nuff said.

Anyway, if you get a chance to try this game out, DO IT!!!! NOW!!!!

That is all, Bot out... again.

P.S. Ion, I'm not looking in your direction as much now. I got a mod off the interwebs that allowed me to use the crappy starter drum set as my drum brain for the Drum Rockers and it's wireless now. So, you're not going to acknowledge the owners of the Drum Rockers, then I'm just going behind your back. Thanks anyway. :-D

Gargonan Language Add On

West suggested that I do an English to Gargonan portion of the dictionary so here is the beginning of that. It is far from complete and is not in true alphabetical order. If you get bored, you can help me with that. This one I will make editable if you message me. Comments are active for all.


Thanks again everyone and enjoy.

Bot out.


Gargonan Language

Here it is, I felt like doing it so... here. All that go from these links should be able to comment on words they want to add or suggestions they wish to make. Paste'em if they don't work.

Gargonan Dictionary


Gargonan Fundamentals


Thank you and Goodnight... Until MOAG.

BTW, or P.S. The Gargonan Fundamentals is not complete. I have some stuff to add in the place of the ++'s