To Whom It May Concern:
Herein is the General Manifesto of His Royal Nobleness. And goodness. And generosity. Oooh, and charm, how can we forget charm! ....
Let me start over.
Okay peoples, it's time to take ya'll out back to the Woodshed. First off, Kang, love your posts to death, I mean it, but I think I speak for everyone when I say, START A NEW POST! I have many blogs to read during my daily constitutionals, and I rely on the RSS feeds of such wonderful services as Google Reader to let me know when a new post is, well, posted. Anyway, your stuff is awesome, so quit attaching novels as comments on older posts. We all want to read your stuff, and it deserves it's own stuff. In fact I can daresay that your writing has more relevance to the Moag universe than anything I've put up here.
Okay, moving on. For the rest of you, POST! I believe we all need a refresher on the various species of Moag. If only there was someone who had all the writing documentation of each species in a plastic box-container in his house with which he could post an entry for each species. But alas, such a thing may not exist! I can't say for sure, it's been a LLLLOOOONGGG time since I saw the box in an official Moag capacity. Anyway, if only such a thing would happen! Oh, and we were promised a chapter of some fictional work of fiction (does that make it fact?).
Oh, uh, yeah. That was me. Well forget about that last comment. I thought Bot was going to put up a chapter of his Orson Scott Card - inspired work. We're all itching to get our hands on it.
And last but not least,
Now I'm sure we'd all like to gather to partake of the finest meats and cheezes throughout the land, so I'm going to tell you Mr. Shadowwire, let's make this happen. Nothing can stop the League of Extraordinary Gentle-Moagers from assembling!
Except for our wives.
1 comment:
Well Savagio, I do believe you've hit the nail on the head this time. I didnt even know Mr Dragoon had even posted anything new. You can bet I'll be searching now. As for this weekend? Well opening day of the musell loader hunt is wednesday, therefore I'll probably be up the mountain all weekend. However, Im not opposed to loaning out the MOAG box for a small amount of time. At any rate, I'll be in contact.
Oh, and dont forget, Bros before Hoes.
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