
The Unoriginal Bounty Hunter

My first MOAG character's name is completely unoriginal. Any fan of the Star Wars expanded universe will know that the name Jaster Mereel belongs to a Mandalorian Bounty Hunter who eventually became Mandalore. There I said it. I am a pirate of copyrighted material. I digress, some of my other character names have been the Gargonan Barden Tarus or another Gargonan Goran Vegarr.

Tarus is the family name of a semi-succesfull line of spys, agents, etc. who work for the Gargonan Empire. Barden recently exploded the head of a crazy midget scientist who could warp people's minds.

Vegarr was originally Negarr but that seemed to be too close to a very racist word for my comfort. Vegarr was told that he would be a farmer not an assassin for the Gargonan Empire. As a result of this he fled the Empire and made his way to the trading planet of Cern where he got thrown in jail for stealing something to eat. He was just recently released.


Savara said...

Good post, "brother dear". By the way, I hope it'll make you feel better to know you are not the only pirate in our moag world, I am also, to my shame.
O-well! Names are not my forte, that's your area of expertise.

Bot said...

Good post! Jasta just fits!