
R.I.P. Computer...

Well, I usually don't have a good excuse for not doing something, but I think this one is a keeper. DAMN VIRUSES!!! Yeah, my computer got a virus and had to be put down... and by put down I mean reinstalled. I know, I know, I hear everyone saying, "Bot, don't you have another computer?" Well... yes I do, but I don't like that one and besides, I had all the MOAG files that I was going to research on the main computer AND I did say that I was going to change my day... to what, I don't know.... Enough excuses. I am writing this on my work computer right now and hopefully by tonight I will have found my back up copy of all the MOAG Documents and be able to have Wednesday post up on Thursday... or Friday... or next Wednesday.................... yeah.


Shadowwire said...

What, no NOD?

Bot said...

NOD trial ended.... I need a good copy!!!