
MONDAY MOAG ART - Character Art...

I didn't have any time to finish the Klisk sketch I posted last monday, but I do have something new for you. I believe only Shadowwire has seen my new version of the Sargonan, so here in all of it's glory is the newest drawing. I say newest because Shadowwire will probably want to change it after seeing a mist tendril cthulu thingy in his bathroom mirror after he steps out of his morning shower.

Anyway, there it is. I hope you like it. I have to finish it, but I'm happy with where it's heading at the moment. Anyway, I think I speak for all of the MOAGers out there when I say, "I want to be a sargonan now..." Anyway, I'll try to finish the klisk image for next week.


Pablo Diablo said...

Now thats how it should look like. Its not a lizard or a rock turd. Its a Sargonan.
Great Work Salvaggio.
Bot will be happy.

Shadowwire said...

Just one thing.
Its a Sargonian (notice the "I")

Bot said...

I... am.... so..... happy. I DON'T LOOK LIKE A ROCK TURD ANYMORE!!!

Kang said...

Burro Malo! Me gusto mucho!