
Thank You Mountain Dew

Well getting done with a good night of Moaging can be a lot like a high after using drugs (as if i really knew). Last night in a great night of play, not much happened but A LOT did...

Let me explain for those not there, not much exciting happened to me because I just began a new character but he did end up getting everything organized and modified (and a lot of money)... along with the group that was seriously modified to now be known as the KMS (I think that is what we settled on... I can't really remember so let me know if it isn't a.s.a.p.)
... Because of the serious reorganization, a extreme longing to play more, and much consumed Mountain Dew (during the Moaging session) when I got home around 2am I could not sleep... so what did I do? Well first of I decided to imitate Salvaggio's "Monday Moag Art" and begin posting some of my art once a week... and that is what I did till about 6am!
... Well just a brief explanation of each. The first one is the humanoid beast that many of us fought in a campaign created by Pablo Diablo a while ago, in his dark tunnel with the glowie-brick-things. The other one is my first Moag character, Siliska, a Macaneon on some desert wasteland planet of Doooooooom (or Moab, UT). Well I hope you all enjoy. And remember if you want to sleep don't drink a liter of Mountain Dew before bed.


Bot said...

Awesome stuff Juanito! And funny ta boot!

Pablo Diablo said...

Gotta love the beastie. Cool pictures Juanito!