

The solution to what? You may be wondering? Well, I've got it on good authority that the enhancements that Kang and Shadowwire are giving to the Humans are...

Wait for it...

That's right! We get weapons instead of LIMBS!

Actually, if you haven't figured it out yet, I don't have any idea what the ULTIMATE SOLUTION is, but I thought it would be fun to get your hopes up. And enough of the "I'm offended" comments. Frankly, I'm offended by them.


Bot said...


Pablo Diablo said...

HA! I know the ultimate solution as well.

And guess what... I'm NOT offended.

Beat that!

Pablo Diablo said...

So is anyone else think that the machine gun leg girl picture is kinda stupid?

Cause I think its kinda stupid...

Let the offense fly!

Juanito said...

Yes, I agree that the picture is Stupid...


Im Offended...

OK not really.

Shadowwire said...

Looks like I started something.
What, I dont know.
The solution though, is to make the Conara and Gargongan Optional Playable charactors to begin with.
That way nothing has to change (except the Humans of course).

Bot said...

I'm offended by the amount of offense and non-offense. Also, I'm offended by the machine gun legged lady and everyone she hangs out with..... Oh yeah! I'm also offended by the real slim shady, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Billy Graham and jack rabbits......... I think I offended myself with this comment.

Kang said...

I'm offended that they would put a girl in a provocative position and then ruin the image with a stupid gun.

omally said...

I'm offended that bot keeps using that same you would be in all the comments....he probably just copies and pastes it.

Bot said...

YOU WOULD BE.... and I'll kill you Omally!!!