So..... I hope you all like it.
Now to ask some things from all the MOAGers... I really have a lot of things I can just color up and put in my weekend moag art but I still need ideas. If you want me to try and draw something let me know and I will try to get some pieces done to post.
ALSO, something else... I was wondering if there could be more posts done by the veteran MOAGers basically explaining some of the story lines of the species, other different explanations to the game, and so on. Thanks again to all!
Nice picture Juanito.
How is the picture of Anvale coming along?
Friggin awsome. How about a pic of Jaster killing the rest of the group with a fusion block?
Ouch Mr. Wire Ouch
Ha Ha!!!! It's so true Pablo!!! He just left out the fact that most of us wanted you to do it!
Yeah! Including Me!...... oh wait I was the one who died...... Crap!
That was a crazy night. Thank goodness Jaster lives to tell the tale of Conar kindness. And he has some news for the rest of the group. Someone isn't dead. In fact a lot thought to have died arn't dead. But none of them are player characters. So don't get your hopes up.
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