
Where My Homies At... Oh, Here!

OK, here is the picture I have had finished since last weekend but I was unable to post because my internet has been down all week till yesterday.

I hope you all enjoy... Wait... I think the majority of all the MOAGers have already seen the picture.

Well, anyway, I am going to post it anyway just because I Love My Monkey! Oh Honk is OK too.

Well I was going to do some drawings of ideas that people gave me but now I really want to basically do the KMU group...

So all who are part of the KMU please comment and just let me know who you are, what you characters actual name is, and a little description of what they look like. Thanks All!


Bot said...

Bara...... BIG! Shaped like a brick!

Pablo Diablo said...

Jaster is a little taller than Honk and completely armored from head to toe. I'll just have to show you my crappy sketch of him this week or something.