
Another 30 minute character study... OF DOOM!

Okay, here's another one. It's a nareskan if you can't guess. I changed his mouth a little, to be less human. It looked a little too much like a dude with a star fish on his forehead before. Anyway, I like it, but your comments are welcome.

Turned out really nice for 30 minutes.


Anonymous said...
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Pablo Diablo said...

All righty then...

As for the pic, I thought it was cool/awesome. I like how you changed it up slightly. Looks good.

Shadowwire said...

I must say I liked the old one better, however looking less human is probably good.

omally said...

Yes less human is cool

Punk-rokk Princess said...

when I first glanced at the page it looked like a yellow sheep with a starfish on its face.... and then i laughed at though "man I gotta wear my contacts more"