I'm posting all of my story. I made a huge explanation at the start of chapter 3, but then I realized that the first post you'd see is chapter 6, so here's the explanation. I've labeled all of the chapters "The Story that shall remain nameless". I recommend you click on that link there to the right, and start from chapter 1 if you haven't already read it. Anyway, enjoy.
Chapter 6
The Cluut class cruiser slid past the monolithic destroyers that flanked the Admiral’s flagship and out into the system. It went unnoticed through the Conara fleet, silently moving through the parked ships. In turn, it paid no heed to the hundreds of shuttles buzzing about the fleet like irate insects, busily about their duties. All of the Preims sat quietly on the bridge, watching the ships slide as they made their way back to the edge of the system. No one had spoken since they docked to the behemoth that was Admiral Hooblabah’s flagship. No one said a word as they received their new “assignment” from the admiral. No one could speak after learning that Admiral Sentano, their commander, was dead.
The bridge was silent as they finally cleared the outer perimeter of the fleet. Xar was taking the ship back to their quiet little hiding space they had found.
When he had finished shutting down the propulsion systems, he turned to face Dannis, along with the rest of the Preims. Dannis stood and walked to the front of the bridge, looking out the large view port back towards the small blue-green planet the fleet had surrounded.
“We know what we need to do.” Dannis said at last, breaking the silence. “Make your preparations, and meet in the main bay in one hour. Dismissed.” The others slowly left the bridge, letting the moment of honoring the dead last as long as possible, before the years of strict military training forced their minds and bodies into action. Atrius didn’t move, but stood quietly behind his brother. Dannis beckoned him to follow as he headed off the bridge. The two walked quietly to their quarters. Pausing briefly to talk quietly in the hallway, exchanging the customary condolences one would give to a grieving friend.
One hour later the team assembled in the main hangar. Dannis faced the rest of the group. “Okay, we know our assignment. We are to go down and patrol a small section of the continent. It’s basically going to be routine patrol duty, although there is some reports of rebel activity.”
“What do you mean ‘rebel’ activity?” asked Xar.
“Well, the commanding planetary officer seems to think that there is a small element of KMF troops stranded on the planet. These stranded forces are leading the native species, I believe they are called Humans, in raids and general terrorist activities.”
“How many KMF do they estimate to be planet-side?” this time the question came from Garric, which took Dannis by surprise seeing as he usually didn’t talk much during a briefing.
“The estimate they gave us is roughly 30. They are sure that the KMF forces are spread out in at least 5 groups of roughly the same size, so we shouldn’t run into more than 5 or 6 at a time. And they aren’t heavily armed either.” Dannis walked over to a vid screen on the hangar wall and punched in some commands. A detailed reconnaissance image appeared, detailing the area they would be patrolling.
“Luckily for us, no activity has been recorded in our sector. That doesn’t mean they aren’t there, so we have to be on our toes.” He punched in another command, highlighting a small vacant lot in the middle of the city they would be patrolling. “Xar, give us the flight plan and approach data.” Xar walked quickly up to the screen, taking Dannis’ place.
“The approach to the landing site is a little bit out of the way, but we need to skirt these structures here and here” two sections of burnt out skyscrapers were highlighted on the screen. “These pose a threat to us from ground to air fire. So our inbound path will be over the residential area to the north. There are no large buildings to hide in and get a good shot off, especially without us seeing it.” Xar started a simulation showing the approach. “It wont really change too much, but we’ll need to be wary once we land. That’s about the only tight spot on the whole trip. But if the reports are true, then we shouldn’t have to worry about that.”
“Which means that we SHOULD worry about that.” Atrius quipped from the back.
“I agree with Atrius.” added Dannis, “we shouldn’t let the reports of inactivity give us a false sense of security.” Dannis walked up and patted Xar on the shoulder, the unofficial command to join the ranks. Dannis turned off the screen and faced the rest of the group. “All right. Let’s load up the shuttle. We need to be in position in 8 hours, and it’s a 5 hour trip to our designated orbit, so we don’t have much time to waist.” With that, the group sprang into action. It took them almost two hours to load the shuttles with the necessary equipment, rations and weaponry. Xar was able to cut the travel time back to the orbit around Earth by 30 minutes, so they still had 1.5 hours to get to their position on the surface. Xar estimated the landing to take roughly 30 minutes, so they should have time to spare. Xar and Atrius would be taking the shuttle with the majority of the cargo, while Dannis, Shyla, would take the second shuttle and follow them down to the planet. Garrick would stay with the main ship, keeping the small Cluut cruiser out of trouble and providing data and information from the satellite uplink.
The two shuttles left the cruiser and headed down toward the planet. Flipping upside down, they entered the atmosphere in a glowing orange ball of heat and flame. They descended through the soft clouds and approached the burnt out city, Xar leading the way on the proposed flight path. In each shuttle, the pilot was busy guiding their ship through the dead city, while their co-pilots kept an eye out for any sign of the KMF or the Human resistance parties. They met no resistance throughout the flight, and landed without incident.
“Well, looks like the reports were right for once.” Dannis stated dryly. They all nodded in agreement and began setting up their base of operations, using one of the shuttles for the main structure, and adding the various equipment they had brought along just for this purpose. The structure was nearly complete when, at the appointed time, Dannis checked in with the planetary command.
Xar, Shyla, and Atrius were all sitting around the make shift table that had been set up in the back of the shutte, when Dannis came into the cargo area.
“We’ve got our orders.” The others looked up at him. “We are to start with some perimeter searches of the block of buildings to the south, focusing mostly on the large sky-scrapers.”
“When do they want us to start? It’s getting dark out, and walking around those things at night wouldn’t be too smart, in my book.” Stated Shyla.
“We won’t be starting the inspections until tomorrow. And the planetary command will be sending us over a vehicle for transport, so we don’t have to walk everywhere.”
“An Ironhold?” Asked Atrius.
“Don’t be stupid. We’ll be lucky if we get a rusted out APV.” Replied Xar.
“Who knows” added Dannis, “but we can’t worry about that now, let’s get the rest of the base set up, and then we’ll start taking watch, I’ll go first.” And with that, the small group set off to finish setting up the landing site.
The two Klisk stood silently in the burnt out apartment. They watched the two shuttles weave their way through the maze of long abandoned skyscrapers towards the landing zone.
“He didn’t say there’d be two ships” muttered the first.
“We expected such treachery.” Replied the second. He picked up a small rock, then threw it down the empty hallway. At the other end of the hall another Klisk stepped into view. He signaled to the new Klisk to follow the ships. The Klisk nodded and then said something over his shoulder to his three companions. The four of them headed off down the hallway in the opposite direction.
“What do you think they’ll find?” asked the first Klisk.
“I don’t know.”
“Do you think it’s a trap?”
“Yes. And so do you. Makaa does as well.”
“What do you think he’ll find?” asked the first.
“I think that the mark will be correct.”
“If it’s a trap, then why would the mark be correct? Wouldn’t they have a squadron of elite troops, ready to ambush us?”
“The mark will be correct, because they want us to fulfill our end of the bargain before they try to kill us.” They were silent for the next while. Silently watching for Makaa’s signal. They didn’t wait long.
Makaa led his little group through the rubble and wreckage that littered the city streets. The sun was setting, and the shadows cast by the city gave them cover, which they needed. A Klisk can be very stealthy and quiet, but not even stealth and silence can successfully hide a 14 ft. tall being. Makaa silently thanked the gods that their approach was happening at dusk. The shadows hung about the city center like a thick fog, even reducing visibility. Perfect setting for a Klisk hunting party.
Makaa led the group to a small intersection, 10 blocks away from the clearing where the two ships landed. After consulting a small map, he pointed to a building on the side on the corner and the group silently entered the building. They found a suitable apartment on the 14th floor. The side of the building had been all glass, but that had long since been shattered, and part of the floor had gone with it. Makaa surveyed the apartment. It was perfect. He and his 3 companions, could sit in the very back of the apartment, completely hidden in shadow. The best part, was that it was a straight shot from their apartment to the landing zone.
Makaa ordered the others to set up all the necessary surveillance gear, and then went to the opposite site of the building. He pulled out a standard flashlight, and pointing it towards the building that they had just left, signaled 5 quick bursts. He was not surprised to see one quick response. He put the flashlight away and headed back to the rest of his squad.
“They are in position.” Jaal looked up from his maps to face the young Klisk who had brought the news. He checked the time on his field computer.
“They are right on time”, he said to his young companion. “Has Ka’on returned?”
“Not yet”. Jaal motioned him away. The young Klisk understood the meaning, and went back to his post. Jaal bent down and continued to study the maps. He had just finished studying the last one when Ka’on appeared in the doorway.
“Did you run into any trouble?” he asked.
“None. You were correct. The kree’aah (a derogatory word used in the Klisk military in specific reference to the Conar, most scholars believe it translates roughly as sewage) have cleared out of the sector. Only the mark remains.”
“And did you complete your purpose?” Jaal asked.
“Yes Sir. Their remains will not be found.”
“Excellent. Tell the others to gather their things, it is time to move up to the forward position with Makaa.” Ka’on nodded and quickly left Jaal with his thoughts. He could here his second in command ordering the others into action. He knew they were ready for what he would ask them to do. Tonight would be the easy part. The mark, a small squad of 4 soldiers would be easy prey. And then things would get interesting.
The small convoy headed down the deserted street, slowly winding through the gutted city. The Major watched as the two APC’s leading the column sped quickly into a large, abandoned train station. They were going to try to use the abandoned subway system that connected the majority of the major cities in Florida. It had only been in use for a few months before the invasion hit, so the majority of the subway tubes had not been connected to the main line. The tunnels had been forgotten in all of the aftermath of the invasion, but a small squad had stumbled upon a nearly completed station just outside of Tampa Bay that seemed to be in pretty good shape. Kalechnostar quickly sent out survey teams to determine the feasibility of use, and found that 89% of the tracks were still in operable condition. They were pretty sure it was undetected by the Demons, and it was determined by Kalechnostar to keep it that way, so the subway tunnels were used only rarely to keep from drawing attention.
There were six vehicles in all. Two APC’s, two large trucks for hauling supplies and equipment, a new hover tank that Kolechnostar had just produced, and a KL-T 90 lite Tank. The Major would have preferred one of the KH-T 5’s, but while being extremely armed, they weren’t the most stealthy vehicles available. He liked the 90, it could hold it’s own against the smaller Demon tanks, but it was the massive tanks the damn things used that really made him nervous. He hoped that they wouldn’t meet any of them on this trip. As for the new Hover Tank, what he had seen in the demonstrations was impressive, but this was the first Hover Tank to be sent on any type of real assignment, and he wouldn’t call it a success until he had seen it in action.
The radio on the dash of the 90 crackled to life.
“Delta 3, this is Delta 1, we are approaching the destination.” The Major picked up the com-mic.
“Delta 1, proceed on heading. Establish visual of target. Delta group hold until my command.”
The convoy had stopped in a large warehouse that was just inside the grounds of the railway station. Delta 1 continued on to the other side of the warehouse. When the APC reached the broad doors that led to the main station rail lines, the Major saw it come to a halt, and watched as the small squad of men slid out of the vehicle, and quietly entered the old depot building that used to contain the station lobby.
“Delta 3, this is Delta 1, ground movement affirmative, proceeding to position” and with that the APC quietly drove through the large bay doors into the abandoned train yard.
“Delta Group, proceed to observation posts” ordered the Major. He watched as the four remaining vehicles all sped across the deserted warehouse, and towards the large bay door.
Eldon Whitaker was a very cautious man. He had learned early in his military career that caution was the first rule when dealing with the Demons. It was this caution that had made him rise quickly in the Kalechnostar ranks, and eventually led him to be under the Major’s command. It was to no surprise that he was leading his small squad with his trademark caution now. The three other men with him, hand picked from his first squad he commanded in Old London, were as cautious as their commander. The squad quietly moved through the old depot station, inspecting every room and more importantly keeping an eye out on the lone APC they could see in the courtyard. It took them 30 minutes to perform their sweep, but Whitaker knew the major wouldn’t mind the wait. They had found no sign of any Demon activity, or presence and Whitaker radioed in his finding.
“Delta 1, this is Red 1, Elvis is on vacation. Red 1 out.” The Major heard the report over his com-unit. The all-clear sign had been given. The Delta Group moved silently, but quickly, through the courtyard and into a large access door that led into the main hall of the station. Inside the hall, they quickly went down the large main stairway that led to the subway train platform below. Whitaker and his men watched from the second story balcony, always on the look out for activity. Whitaker saw the first APC head down the stairs and quickly swore under his breath.
“What is it sir?” asked the man next to him.
“Nothing. Just an oversight we forgot to account for. “ The APC had chewed up the stairs rather badly, and Whitaker was pretty sure that the KL-T 90 would leave the marble stairway in a pile of dust. Anybody, or anything, who came into the station would know right away that something rather large went down the stairs. Hopefully the general state of ruin and the dilapidated surroundings would camouflage it some what. Have to bring that up with the Major in the debriefing.
The last of the convoy had gone out of site down the stairs. Whitaker signaled to his men to follow and they quickly headed down the stairwell. At the bottom of the stairs, Whitaker was called back by the rear man. He found him silently peering into the dimly lit space under the bottom landing. Whitaker peered into the dark space, not seeing anything of significance. “What is it, McDougal?” he asked.
“I don’t know, but something’s not right.” McDougal was a gifted recon man, his family coming from a long line of resistance fighters, and he was raised tracking Demons through northern Belfast. Because of this he was especially good at “seeing the signs” as he called it. McDougal slowly walked forward, looking around the landing.
“Something big was here. It knelt here and, from what I can tell, was interested in the space underneath the stairs, here.” He stood pointing at the dark corner of the stairwell. Whitaker slowly walked over by his side. They both knelt down and looked under the stairway, the space being only 4’ tall at this point. To their surprise they found a small access door, which judging by the lack of dust, had been opened recently.
“McDougal, can you tell me how many Demons there were?”
“Sir, I don’t think it was a Demon.” Whitaker slowly turned and looked at McDougal. “If it wasn’t a Demon, what was it?”
“I don’t know, but whatever it was, it was a lot bigger than a Demon.” They both looked at the access hatch.
“Well, let’s see what was so interesting about this access hatch.” Whitaker crawled into the dark and pried open the hatch. He didn’t like what he found.
The Major was sitting with the commander of the last APC, waiting for Commander Whitaker to return with his squad, when Whitaker and his men came running down the ruined stairway. The Major stood, readying his C-2 Assault rifle. The APC access hatch opened and both the Major and the APC commander hurried aboard. A moment later Whitaker and his men were aboard and the APC was heading down the subway tunnel.
Whitaker saw the Major and quickly approached him, “We’ve been had, sir.”
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No comments? Im dying to know what was in the thingy under the stairs. My guess is a klisk hand or maybe a scanner or detector of some sort. Perhaps its a bottle of Bordeaux, a 1787 Chateau Lafite.
Anyway, Im dying to know, and I hope my guessing doesnt change what it is.
Salvagio, You da man.
I think it was a puppy! Random comment of the day provided by Bot.... It's even on an older post... way old. :)
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