So, Its time for the first semianual Name that Starship contest! (Yay!)
Anyway, If you think you know what kind of ship this picture is of, post a comment of your guess. If you get the correct answer first, you will get 500 xp! (Yay!)
Offer limited to MOAG players. Offer not valid in some states. Taxes may apply. Offer limmited to players not named PJ.
For questions or comments... post!
....glad I'm not PJ....
I'm thinking I am scared of this ship........ for some reason.
Don't be scared.... mwahahahahahahahah...
Needs more lighting so we can see it.
More lighting eh? Seems to be a common complaint about my (space realistic) pictures.
Still, No guesses?
I could guess....
Looks like a black carrier. like the ones on StarCraft, except black, and underlit.
You should make a second with unrealistic lighting. That way it looks cool, and we can guess at the same time....that's my opinion anyway....
....by the way, have you sent an invite to me yet? Send it to either my hotmail (squirrel-the-tire@hotmail.com)
or my yahoo
either way Blender is awesome... erm I should get it.
OK, maybe I was wrong on the lighting. I can see it on MY computer. And it has a pentuim 3.
It's the awesome kind West makes in max, and is very rounded and smooth, very different from the others I have seen.:)--||||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~-<:Blender is Awesome:>-~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~so is squiggly!~~~~~~~~~~~
12 comments! me thinks it be a record!!
It's Ax Doiyoki...... I am scared.
Holy crap.
Anyway, Nice guess Bot.
Tell him what he's won!
Well bob, Bot is now the proud owner of 500 XP! (Yay!)
Well... Mr Bot... If that is your real name...
It seems we have a Conundrum...
It seems that mr. Diablo told you that it was not a Conar ship. However, seeing as mr. Diablo is threatening my life if I repeal that XP, You may keep the reward (Begrudgingly)...
Nice guess though. . . Punk.
I still think it needs more lighting. As "realistic" as it is, "realistic" doesn't sell in space, neither does it provide good viewing...
Well, since I was scared that it was Ax Doiyoki. I asked if it was Conara, in a desperate hope that it was... but alas it was not....... and that is why I was scared back on comment 2 before I talked to Pablo.
Also, the almond shape gave it away to me. AND!!! I think I am the player that has the most characters that have been on ships like this and (save maybe Salvaggio) I also have the character that spent the most time on a ship like this. (If you have any questions about that ask Mr. Edwards!)
So if you don't think I deserve the 500 xp then by all means take it away Mr. Shadowwire..... and then I will pummel you.
Have a nice day!!! =)
Also, if it was truly realistic, would you really be able to see the ship in the darkness of space???
Slightly, but I'm not sure about the naked non-mutated human eye (NME- sounds like enemy...I should be scared like you, Bot); although in MOAG, most aren't humans -at least NMH (non-mutated humans..enem-ach).
...By the way master creator, whom has been named Shadowwire...What happened to that invite?
He doesn't remember how to do it...seriously.
Everyone point and laugh at Shadowwire.
HaHaHa....erm.. OK Shadowwire (*point* *laugh*)
1. Go make a new post.
2. Instead of actually posting click Settings
3. Click Permissions
5. Type in the following, and click invite:
Two light sources: whatever star it is close to, and the Background stars.
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