
Work In Progress (Belated Non-MOAG Monday MOAG Art)

Been working on this for the last week. Lot's of fun. It's based on the Pyro from TF2. I did the sketch and am doing all the coloring and whatnot in Illustrator, which has been a blast. Anyway, hopefully this post will keep Pablo from going insane. I'll try to get to the next chapter in "The Story That Shall Remain Nameless", Wes and I discussed some interesting things that I'm eager to put in the story. Anyway, I'm tired and going to bed now.


Pablo Diablo said...

Thank you Salvaggio. The only problem is i'm already insane.

I'm digging that pyro but I need some Hvy Weapons guy. Cause I kill west with him. Mwaha haha haha!

squirrel-the-tire said...

For a Heavy Weapons Guy, West could totally model something after his fake huge turret gun he made (..it's sitting in his house on top of something if I remember right..), and sketch the rest. Photoshop it all together...

squirrel-the-tire said...

..By the way.. How do I join this blog thingy?

Pablo Diablo said...
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squirrel-the-tire said...

...I mean chaingun...

Shadowwire said...

Hey! Nice to see you on here Squirrel-the-tire. I'll get you an invite to this blog thingy.
Hows the wide world of dugway?

squirrel-the-tire said...

Sort of boring, but I'm sure this shall brighten it!