Here it is. In all the glory I could muster at such a time. But you'll be glad to know that things are starting to slow down a bit at work, so I'll have some more free time to finish this bad boy up, and then do some more. I hope to play around with Z brush at work some, I'll try to do some MOAG stuff, so our dear Squirrel won't feel so lonely.
On a more serious note, thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. I'm sorry you couldn't make it over for the viewing in the Hootch, but be comforted in knowing that Mr. Shadowwire represented you all very well. Maybe in the future I'll post a top 10 list of the best moments we had with my dad back in school, but that will have to wait. I'm tired, and honestly, I can only really think of one story, but it was a good one.
Hmm, come to think of it, why don't you guys (those who knew him whether from sleeping through his Geography class or him sleeping through the movies we watched at my house) tell the stories that you remember from him? Just throw them in the comments here, and when I feel you've earned it, I'll retell the #1 Best Moment Involving MOAGers But Not Necessarily Having To Do With MOAG And My Dad Moment. Or BDIMBNNHTDWMAMD for... uh... long.
Anyway, Wes and Carl, looks like the brunt of the work is in your hands. Unless you can get Matthews to post. Which in and of itself would be quite a feet.
By the way, let's start posting some more now. Just a thought.
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