

Okay, so here it is. I have a free 3 day trial of Team fortress 2. Full version, no strings or things cut out. All I need is an email address, or even better a steam ID. I will then gift it to the winner and they can play TF2 for 3 days. After that, I think the game is only like 20-25$ or so, which is worth it for the game.

So here's the rules. Comment below and tell me why you deserve the prize. I'll take the best two, and then we'll let all the MOAGers vote on which one wins. The gift expires on September 20th, so we'll give this a week, and then we'll go from there.

Let the "pathetic attempts to hog the brownie" begin!

*Bonus points for correctly identifying the brownie quote with the name of the person who said it and what movie it comes from. Not that the bonus points will go towards anything, but we'll all be impressed...


squirrel-the-tire said...

well, who else has played the ORIGINAL version of team fortress?!? (a mod for quakeworld)

lol, the only problem is that I don't have a computer here that will handle it properly. :(

Pablo Diablo said...

I am leaving in two weeks so... yeah...

Oh and my farewell is this sunday at 11:00am.

Bot said...

I am saving up for the Orange Box... so thanks anyway.

squirrel-the-tire said...

have fun on your mission!!!!!!!!!

Shadowwire said...

This is great, Check it out. http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/posting

Pablo Diablo said...

But I should still win!!!! Pick ME!

Thanks Squirrel.

Pablo Diablo said...

I am kool... cause I replace my c's with k's...

Salvaggio said...

I'm going to declare the winner in a post tonight, so everybody keep watch!!!! And keep posting, if you get a better reason than the current recipient, then you could still win!

Bot said...

I hope its not me that just died!