
Welcome Back Mr. Cotter... Er...

I'd just like to say welcome back to Juanito and Savara. Juanito, I'm assuming, was off in some place not named Cedar City during the summer months, and has now returned to the blessed realm for another year of scholarly study at the prestigious University/College/Technical Institute of Southern Utah/Northern Arizona, Eastern Nevada. Ah, many a good time was spent at UCTISUNAEN. Although we used to call it Garfield County Tech, due to the high number of students who attended from said county.

Savara as we all know has been... well... okay so maybe we don't know. But that's okay. I mean, who are we to judge? And if she decides not to enlighten us, even more the better. Pernicious internet rumors anyone? Because we all know, if you hear/read/see it on the internet, it must be true.

Aaaaaaaaaanyway, welcome back. It's always nice to get more people on the blog. Speaking of people, anybody (bot) heard from Punk-rokk Princess or Omally? How about Kang? Do we need to send out a search party?


Juanito said...

Thanks Salvaggio, so guess what im takin all these awesome art classes this year and even just a week into classes it is a BLAST!

Salvaggio said...

What classes are you taking? And from whom? Anything from Sowards?

Shadowwire said...

As for Kang,... The search parties that were sent out, Never returned!...
I think either something is eating him, or he is eating search parties.
Anywho... Kangs mistress says he doesnt want to talk.
Later... ...
to many ... ...s?

Juanito said...

Hmmm... classes... sorry none from Sowards...

Got... Digital Imaging from Kyle Petersen/ 2D from Fiona Phillips/ Photography from Jeremias Paul/ Draw II from Arlene Braithwaite/ and an art insights class...

Do u know any of them?

Bot said...

The Punk Rokk Princess (PRP) and Omally (DumbAss) have been coming to MOAG and what-nots on Friday nights. Although this past week we did not MOAG but instead rocked out with Rock Band until the wee hours of the night........ then we played SOUL CALIBER IV (4) until the weeist hours of the morning. Anyway, they (PRP and DumbAss) have not got on the Blog because neither of them can seem to pick a password or email address that they can remember..... also I don't think they want to put forth the effort to try and remember them.

As for Kang... I think I offended him and that other guy, Ticker Ack. So if you don't see them on here you can blame me.... I don't mind.

Bot said...

Oh yeah! Juanito, you need to get me Xzebo's email address so that I may give him an invite to the awesomeness that is the MOAG Blog!

squirrel-the-tire said...

well then. more stuff about the people I'm pretty sure I haven't met. Nice to see more people though. I feel sad that I'm not there to kick butt at rock band, and lose horribly at Soul caliber, but a 4hr drive without a liscence isn't worth it to me.

Juanito said...

I thought that you invited him already... anyway...

... its xzeboent@gmail.com.

squirrel-the-tire said...

BTW juanito, my sister is an art major, but she wen't to snow, because they gave her a better scholarship. She was going to go to SUU, but money ran in the way. It's her first year in college.

squirrel-the-tire said...

wow, I think this post is becoming a slight success. 3 people in a couple days.

Salvaggio said...

Juanito, I know Arlene and Fiona, don't know the other ones. You should have a lot of fun with them. As for Kang, WTF? (What the Fetch... for all who's interested...) He's been offended? Okay, somebody bake him some cookies and get this fixed a'ight?

Bot said...

Umm....... did you just say a'ight?

Salvaggio said...

Yeah... it's much harder to type than to say. I don't recommend it.

Savara said...

Thanks for the welcome remarks, Salvaggio. I've been busy trekkin' the globe lately. Okay, okay, trekkin' the nation, if you're gonna get so picky!