
It Came From the Ashes! In TECHNO-COLOR!!

(Yes, that's a Tank from Left 4 Dead...)

The fog rolled back from the dying corpse, chilled from the long exposure to the night wind coming off the barren mesa of life.  The vultures circled quietly, hoping the thing would just die already.  But alas, just as it looked like it was going to bite the big one, kick the bucket, cash the check, go the way of all the earth, extinguish the eternal flame, (I'm running out of euphemisms here...) it raised it's hand 0n the 3rd count like a professional wrestler resisting the warm embrace of the sleeper hold.  Slowly it climbed to it's knees, shook off the rust and cobwebs from being under used and under appreciated.  It gathered the strength to stand, and there, for the first time in what seemed like years, it stood tall, with the wind blowing through it's smooth, milky soft mane.  MOAG was alive, and it was feeling good.

Okay, there you go Shadowwire, MOAG is NOT dead, and it's doing fine living in Costa Rica with JFK, Bigfoot, and Elvis.  While we want MOAG to enjoy it's vacation, let's not leave it there too long okay?  Infact, I'm going to insist on a MOAG day when I come down over the holidays, so you all can just suck it up and get ready to rock a Klisk's skull through it's face.  

PS - We still love you Rock Band.  Really we do. 


squirrel-the-tire said...

Nice post..

Bot said...

Yeah, MOAG will always be there.

I don't think that Rock Band killed it. I feel like we really haven't played since Elder Diablo left our ranks. While Rock Band is obviously my go to form of escape. I do not blame it for the hibernation that MOAG is in right now. Frankly, I don't care what we do on Fridays. I just want to hang out! Hang with the Homies. Chill with the Hombres... I'm already running out of euphemisms.

Anyway!!! MOAG will live on. We need to get back to it and WE WILL! Lets just enjoy the fact that we can have fun together.

Salvaggio said...

I envy your friday night fun...

squirrel-the-tire said...

you have no say, Salvaggio.. What with your visits once in a while...

squirrel-the-tire said...

you have no say, Salvaggio.. What with your visits once in a while...

Bot said...

I envy your job Salvaggio. We even?

Bot said...

I do miss MOAG... Terribly.