
Here Kitty Kitty...

Ok, So a picture tells a thousand words. Having said that I would like to announce a Picture contest!
The "Create a new MOAG species" contest. All you have to do is create a picture of an orriginal creature any way you would like, and post it on the blog with a brief description. The winning Species will be added into the MOAG hall of Species, and featured in an upcoming game of MOAG!
Please, no pictures of Chuck Noris.


Salvaggio said...

Here's the stats on the average Norrisian (sometimes referred to as a Chuckster):

Strength: Take the highest strenght roll in the group, then +10.
Endurance: Can we do triple digits?
Charisma: You'll like him or you'll be dead.
Reasoning: You can't out reason Chuck, so this has to be through the roof.
Dexterity: Chuck Norris is so flexible, he's the only one who can kick his own a$$... although is that possible, seeing as he's Chuck Norris?
Comeliness: Just hope there aren't any females around, or nothing will get done.
Health: Seeing as he can't be hurt, does that mean his Health is through the roof or non-existant?
Perception: He sees you right now, so wipe that smug look off your face.
Will Power: Let's just say you won't be pulling any Jedi Mind tricks against the guy.

There you have it. If I missed an attribute, it's been way too long since I last played, sorry.

Xzebo said...

I have a quick question... Will the lucky species that gets picked become a playable species?

Shadowwire said...

Salvaggio, You missed (Knoledge) and (Heal). But we'll forgive you this time.
Just remember, ten attributes in groups of two.
I know, the last two have nothing to do with each other, but... I dont know how to finnish that scentence.

Shadowwire said...

Oh.. and Xzebo. If I feel that the species could be logicaly playable, then Yes.
Keep up the good work!