
Conar Insignia Revisions

Okay, so here's some revisions on the Conara logo.  I really like the middle one.  It feels more alien to me.  

Anyway, let me know what you think.

Also, Siren alert!  Team Fortress 2 is on sale for $10 on Steam for a limited time!  You really can't beat that.  It is as enjoyable as Left 4 Dead.  Really.  Stop reading this now and go download it.  You won't regret it.


Punk-rokk Princess said...

I have a conar character and I really enjoy playing as her... and if I was her now... I'm have to agree that I like the middle one :) but I think they are all really cool... and I think all three should be used somehow

Salvaggio said...

You raise a valid point. Perhaps the Skull is the only constant, and the various factions use it amongst other things to form their own Insignia, like the various divisions do amongst our own armies and navies.


Juanito said...

Id have to agree with PRP that the middle one looks pretty Bad A#* but thinking of the Conara I think that the right symbol a more symetrical symbol fits more for the very rigid and strict Conara Army. Sweet Work Salvaggio!

Phantom Gravedigger said...

I really like all of them. Seriously. But building upon what Jaunito said, I agree with the symeticaliness... which is now a word because I said so. And I can see the third one on uniforms and such, and I can see the middle one on weapons or something of the like.


squirrel-the-tire said...

They're AWESOME!
all of them.
I think that you should have different levels of stature in the forces, and have these all (and a few more), be used. The one with the star can be bottom, and it can be only the skull (with no background) for those who are being trained...
Well.. That's my idea. Take it or leave it. Either way, they're all awesome, even though the first one isn't as good as the others.

Salvaggio said...

Yeah, I think we'll use them all, and many more. The skull will be the one constant, and all the various branches of the military will use some variance of that. I do like Squirrel's training idea. Anyone seen Mr. Wire? He's the one with the final say...

Shadowwire said...

It sounds good to me. I particularly like the right one, it looks like a shield. I can picture it on a shoulder peice, or the like.
Very nice, very nice...

Bot said...

Wonderful work, Salvaggio... as per usual.

squirrel-the-tire said...

yes. I think that ones who tend to go slow with heavy weapons will be equiped with such heavy weapons, and high powered armor that has the shield looking insignia on it.
Th ones who are faster, and stealthy will have lighter armor with the middle insignia.

Xzebo said...

I really like them both, but when i first saw them i imagined the middle one as being something that would go on Conar armor amongst other things, whereas i saw the last one as being put on banners for royalty or high ranking officials.... anywho thats awesome :)