
Happy 2nd Anniversary MOAG Blog!!!

Through it's highs and lows, prosperity and utter neglect, the MOAG Blog will be turning two years old this weekend!!! Happy B-day MOAG Blog.

What has changed?... Well, not much. We still post stories, cool art and ramblings of the not so coherent nature. It is still a place where friends can share their love for a game that we all... love?

Anyway, I think I am going to reinstate the ToD (Topic of Discussion) posts here. The rules, for those who don't know or just plain forgot, are as follows: the reply to a ToD should be done in a new post not in the comment area. This makes it easier to sort through and gives us more numbers on the post count. Replies can be anything relating to the topic (short, long, etc. it doesn't matter) just stay focused on the topic. Other than that, just have fun.

The new ToD is: Favorite MOAG story!

This can be a general run down of a campaign or what was happening in "the real world" when the game was going on.

There you go MOAGers, post away!

Bot out.


squirrel-the-tire said...

well, I don't remember the one time of me playing MOAG enough to make it post-worthy, but it was an awesome game with good hot chocolate.

Shadowwire said...

Nice shot sir.