
Theory of a Twisted Smile

"RIP Huun
According to Selidor
You looked funny while dying."

Ah, so I was resketching out the Selidor I had put in Juanito's scifi notebook, so I could have a copy... but it kind of evolved. Yeah. And I have no freaking clue what the crap he's wearing. Powerarmor? Something he stole? A suit from a parenthetical dimension? Who knows.

Anyhow, need to finish coloring/shading Xzebo's pic next, and I want to post up my favorite MOAG story... So much to do, and a lot of time to do it in, luckily.


[edit] Oh look. The color scheme matches the blog title. Woot.

1 comment:

Xzebo said...

Wow really cool, i love his armor, Thats kinda how i imagined Lagartos but his would be black instead. Anywho cool digs, looks awesome :)