
A Seamless Pause....

There is an audible moan as Eden's planetary spin comes to a halt. All of Koge's inhabitants are frozen in place like little dolls placed on display. Not a single Mo-Ti-Qee is tapping away on his computer. The Conara have stopped fighting, the Var-Si-Ra stopped growing and the Gorlochs stopped swinging.... A seamless pause and inexplicable stop in the flow of time has come over the MOAG universe. All is still.........

Ok sorry, i was just joking about all of that, but seriously though, this place is as dead as a human in a Klisk Bar!!.... okay bad joke i know, anywho just wanted to post cause i haven't in a while and i thought maybe my post could be a catalyst to greater events and post-ish-ness.

Well, before i do end i thought i'd throw out a couple questions to anyone less noobish than me. First, what does ATAF stand for and what is their purpose? Second and one that i really don't get at all, What is the whole story behind the Gargans... like what are they and where do they come from? I just read a little about them in one of West's notebooks but didn't understand it at all...

Well I think thats it, cya alls L8R...


Salvaggio said...

Good questions. And sorry I didn't answer your question you sent me about the Gargans, I was hoping to get together this weekend with West, but alas that didn't pan out. As for the ATAF... I have no idea. The Garans... well now that's a different story...

(If I was in charge of Teh Universe, this is where you, the reader, would be sucked into a time-warp/flashback effect seen mostly in movies while a snarky british gentlemen read from a finely crafted script resembling something like The Predator mixed with Aliens and then blended together in puree form and slurped through a straw. but fortunately I do not control Teh Universe, so you'll just have to wait abit for me to post about the Gargans...)

Xzebo said...

Hey no worries lol, i think the moag universe rocks so i like to learn about it :)
ps, i'll be anxiously waiting the gargan post...

Phantom Gravedigger said...


But I did enjoy the joke.

Bot said...

I would love to answer your questions... but it seems that I am a jerk and won't!!!! Mu ha ha ha... mine is an evil laugh.

Seriously though, I can't quite remember what ATAF stands for. I think its Advanced Tactical Attack Force, but I may be way off. Also, the story of the Gargens is a story for a much bigger post than this. Sorry, I'm not much help. :(

Bot said...

Or maybe it's Advanced Tactical Assault Force.... Still not sure.

Shadowwire said...

So... There has been much bickering since i last showed my ugly face... Wait. That didnt come out quite right.
Anywho, ATAF: Advanced Tactical Assault Force. SATAF: Special Advanced Tactical Assault Force. There is one more, But I cant remember the Acronymn. Something to do with :Cyborg Force Thing A Majig.
The Gargen story is a story of mystery, intregue, pain, treachery, and more pain. It all started Eight thousand years ago when... You know, I'll tell you later.

Bot said...

What, no story time? Dang... I was getting my hopes up... I even made some popcorn and had my blankie all ready.

Shadowwire said...

Bring your blankie friday night!

Xzebo said...

WOOT!!!!!!!...............................................................................................nope thats all you get... just one single woot....