A friend challenged me to do this, and I chose Selidor for whatever reason. So I'm posting it here.
(Years upon years into the future, and they still haven't found the cure for the common cold.)
This is the link to the empty sheet. Should anyone else wish to do it.
Nice. I might have to steal your sheet there, have a comic in the works...
I like Selidor's version of Flirty.
The same as WTF!? Nice.
And yeah, you can steal anything you want.
In fact, if anyone else wants to do this, here's the blank sheet. http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs16/f/2007/140/4/3/25_Essential_Expressions_by_napalmnacey.jpg
haha i think drawing an ax-doioki would be funny with this LOL
Sweet expressions. Nice work.
Im always impressed with your fantastic artwork.
Oh, and in MOAG the common cold has been cured.
You should do an ax-doioki, Xzebo! That'd be sweet.
And thank you all for your praise. It's inflating my head horribly.
And the cold has been cured? Drats... we'll just say that he's had a bout of hypocondria then.
Someone needs to do this for Amadeus... although, most of them would look the same... in fact, all of them would look the same.
Yes. An ax-doiyoki realy has no expression either.
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