
Juan Casador

Ok so I just got a new Computer Art Tablet last week and have been very... extra busy because I have been using it to do lotsa art stuffs. Here's the first painting that I did with the Tablet.

So for those who have not played MOAG with me, you may not know, but this is one of my... well it IS my character that I think I am going to be playing the most. It is Juan Casador (aka Juanito el Bandito)
Anyway his general storyline is briefly explained in one of my previous posts. You can look it up in the "Wicked Weekend Art" label. Or I'll just briefly explain him again for those who don't want to search. Anyway he was in a privately contracted space program on Earth during the craze of the Space Race. Unknown to the public Juan was part of a team that actually made it to Mars just before the Apollo Program began, but due to disasters he was the only one from his team to return alive. On the trip, with the said disasters, Juan came in contact with insane amounts of radiation (or he as radioactified... that is totally a real word!) which have caused him to never age. He is not invincible but due to not aging he has an incredible knowledge especially in the area of spacecrafts, astrogation, and flying any ship.
As one of the few humans surviving the Conar Invasion he has become very resourceful and now has a Kasmuth Class Cargo Ship where he runs his Cargo and Transport Co.


Xzebo said...

This picture reminds me of the cool mech in District 9, although this one is so much cooler, anywho awesome i like it!

Juanito said...

haha thats what it was based of... well that and ironman's suit display.

Shadowwire said...

Very nice. I like him as a charactor.