
In loving memory

The MOAG universe today has taken a huge hit. Its very fabric has been ripped and pieces of its heart and soul have been stolen away.
PJ. You will be missed...


Salvaggio said...

Could someone please update me on what has happened? Being the lone MOAGer in the great white North (no, not THAT great white north), I'm behind on the comings and goings.

Sholk_Vore said...

We are all sorry to see the end of our good friend. MOAG will miss you PJ.

Kang said...

So many things left unsaid, so many things left undone. So many days spent on things that really didn't matter when I could have come up to hang out...

Having lost the chance to tell a good friend just how valuable his friendship was to me, prompts me to tell the rest of you just how much you mean to me.

I want you all to know that when I think of life and of how the "good" compares with the "bad", it is always, without fail, you guys that I think of. You represent to me all in life that is worth-while, you represent the innocence, the faith, the beauty, everything that is colored a brilliant-white.

As long as I know that there are people like you, my incredible, awesome friends, walking this earth.., I'll know that there is something worth living for.

You guys are more than just friends, you're like my family, I would lay down my life for each and every one of you without hesitation.

I've learned from and have been inspired by each of you in your own way's. Never could a person have hoped to be gifted with such talented, intelligent, beautifully spirited, loyal and true friends as I have.

I mean it, solemnly and un-guardedly, when I say, I love you guys.

Thank you for being the people you are! I would never trade your friendships for anything!!

My best memories are of times spent with you.

I don't know some of you nearly as well as I would like to, but I know quite a bit "about" you, and your relationship to people I care a great deal about, makes you dear to me too.

Ok, and because I'm not good with seemingly sappy sentiments, I'm going to hit the "publish" button before I delete all of this.

Hmmm, now I need to put my "Macho" face back on.., where did I put that thing?

Kang said...

PJ, you lucky sukka!! Now you KNOW what is out there!! I am sooo jealous!

Farewell, my friend... Until next we meet.

Salvaggio said...

The greatest words ever spoken were these "He is not here, but is risen".

I don't know what role is laid out for P.J. in the eternities, but I do know that He who was not there that morning at the tomb, was the first to be there to welcome our dear friend to his eternal home.

May the Lord grant us all peace and comfort, and may our love for each as friends and family sustain and strengthen us.

And Kang, I think your Macho face has never looked more Macho.

God be with you till we meet again, which I hope is sooner rather than later.