
Is MOAG Dead?

Where is MOAG? Last time I checked MOAG was nowhere to be found. Perhaps it fell in here?
Ahhh... But MOAG is not dead! It has indeed taken a fall, however I continue to write! others continue to draw/paint... do art stuff. whatever.
Anyway where was I going with this?
Ah yes. MOAG has had a long sabbatical, but now is the time for it to spring into action! This is a call to all my past MOAGing people! Let do this!


squirrel-the-tire said...

As do I!! BTW, I like the pic! :D

Juanito said...

HAHA If I recall correctly I do believe that, that photo is from a sinkhole from Guatemala in one of my previous areas there! BUT BACK TO MOAG, I agree! Ive been working on a funny little online MOAG species module and when its done, i'll put it online.

Xzebo said...

AND I'M BACK! FROM OUTERSPACE! I JUST WALKED IN TO FIND (something something something about your face) K soooo I decided to start avidly reposting because i had been slacking. During the summer we stayed in a metaphorical dungeon... in some ways literal. It had no windows and no internet... I guess that actually is a true dundeon LOL jk. Anywho but we are back, And I'm going to start posting a lot more, specifically I'm going to post Lagarto's storyline, (my personal favorite MOAG character) and how he ended up on Koge with a rusty falling apart mech. Well that's all fo now!