
Xander Get In The Closet!!!

"XANDER GET IN YOUR CLOSET!" can many a times be heard throughout Juan's ship as Xander is being annoying. HAHA well maybe not really but it was during a MOAG session that we were making fun of Juan's assistant, Xander. Anyway these are all from sketches again I did a while ago and just got around to doing quick colorings for them. Hope you all like these too!

-Juanito, over and out.


Humans, Quells, and Klisks, Oh My!

PJ's Character - Jaster in Armor:

One of Trudi's Characters:

Bots Character - Bara In Some Type of Armor:

Well like I have said in some of my other posts I am taking a lot of old sketches and coloring them. Here are some sketches that I also did quite a while back and have done some really quick colorings for them. Hope you all like them!

-Juanito, over and out.


♬ He Argued with the GM... He's Dead ♬

♬ He Argued with the GM... He's Dead ♬

Now I'm not saying that our friend Tristan (that we haven't seen in forever) got killed by the GM. But I am quoting his really funny song that he played on his guitar one night during MOAG. And wanted him to know that I was thinking about him and even though he owes me money he was a fun roommate and that we did have some fun MOAG sessions with him! Oh almost forgot... This picture is also one of his characters (a kliskaneon) that I really liked and sketched a long while back but decided to color it just now. And that's another reason I was thinking about him. I don't really like the background on the picture but I really like this character and drawing so I am posting it anyway. Hope you all like it too.

- Juanito, over and out.


Zelda turns 25!

Did this for a thing at work, celebrating Zelda turning 25. This is my updated version of Zelda. Enjoy.


Fallen Comrade

So maybe because right now is such a great time in the life of Juanito I have also been thinking about the past quite a bit. This last week my mind has been brought to remembrance of a dark day in our histories. About this time last year our friend Pablo Diablo was lost forever to us and I know we all miss him dearly but I just wanted to take some time to recognize PJ. These are some sketches I did for him for the Sas'Kettian species he was GMing for us and so these last few days I took a little time to color them and post them. I hope you all like them and can also take a few moments when you read this post to remember our great friend and MOAG comrade. I also hope PJ is looking down on us and approves of what is going on in the MOAGverse. And that's all.

-Juanito, over and out!


A Great Weekend for Arting!

So as you can see I have gone all crazy with the MOAG art this week but I think that's OK. I really want to get this blog to be more active and also I was looking through all my old MOAG Sketches and realized that I have a TON of drawings. That has motivated me to put in a little more work and do some coloring. These colorings took me about 25min each and look a little more gritty but I think they look pretty good.

This particular even occurred in the MOAG Universe one campaign where somehow the team ended up on I believe Amadeus' haunted spaceship and we all started to see some pretty weird stuff but my character, Reytak, was able to speak with a ghost of one of his Gorlach Ancestors. I thought that campaign was super awesome and I hope that this piece does the memory justice.

And this poor little guys name is Xander Knox "begins and ends with the letter x" (me and Phantom made up this story one MOAG night). Anyway don't feel to bad for him because my character Juan did and little Xander has been the bane of his existence ever since (Or at least he says. I think deep down inside Juan has a soft spot for Xander, or maybe its just the enjoyment of stuffing him into small closets haha!) Anyway this picture is of the day that Juan took Xander onto his crew. "Please Sir can I have some more?" Haha!

Anyway I hope you all like the pictures!

-Juanito, out... again.


Kajarin Getting Intergrated

So here he is... the awesome Kajarin! (*aint he so cute*... just don't tell him I said that cuz he'll smash me with his 400lbs exoskeleton body). Anyway I have been looking on the MOAG Blog here at past post and got inspired to do more art about the Ormigites (a species I created and won to be a playable species). Anyway here is the first Ormigite created and played. His name is Kajarin and he has had a few clothings/armors since I've played him so I decided to show them by this little interactive piece. Just click on the linked sentence above and hopefully you'll get to see it. And if you get to see it, I hope you like it. Thanks everybody.

-Juanito, out.