So as you can see I have gone all crazy with the MOAG art this week but I think that's OK. I really want to get this blog to be more active and also I was looking through all my old MOAG Sketches and realized that I have a TON of drawings. That has motivated me to put in a little more work and do some coloring. These colorings took me about 25min each and look a little more gritty but I think they look pretty good.

And this poor little guys name is Xander Knox "begins and ends with the letter x" (me and Phantom made up this story one MOAG night). Anyway don't feel to bad for him because my character Juan did and little Xander has been the bane of his existence ever since (Or at least he says. I think deep down inside Juan has a soft spot for Xander, or maybe its just the enjoyment of stuffing him into small closets haha!) Anyway this picture is of the day that Juan took Xander onto his crew. "Please Sir can I have some more?" Haha!
Anyway I hope you all like the pictures!
-Juanito, out... again.
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