
I know Monday isnt my day for posting Art, but it is monday, and I wanted to post my latest. It still needs some cleaning up in PS, but I had a min here at work, so I"ll post what I have thus far.
Guess what Species makes these ships?


Phantom Gravedigger said...

Oh cool! I like the background with the ships as well.

And I actually don't know what species made these.

Bot said...

Really cool pic Mr. Shadowwire. I would have to go with the Goauld... but maybe it's the pyramid in the background that makes me think that... and the fact that I'm in the mood to watch SG1 right now!

Kang Dragoon said...

Humans.., Westley humans to be exact!

Kang Dragoon said...

Actually, it was probably made by the Badassicans. :D

Shadowwire said...

Its the basic Chameele ship.