
MOAG Cultural Day

    So I have been asking Sir West many question in preparations for the next Ormigite Builder campaign. I got a little sidetracked and began asking many Klisk related questions just for curiosity and found out some very interesting thing that I did not previously know. I then stated that we should have a day to post brief culture or story or technology related explanations of MOAG. West thought that was a good idea and I don't know if it will ever be a regular thing but I figured I'd start with a little Ormigite culture lesson.
    The majority of the Ormigites believe in deity which they call The Builders. They believe that to escape the cruelty of their previous home/galaxy the builders used their will power to transport to a far corner of the universe and created their own galaxy. Then after living content for thousands of years they decided to move on to another life or ascend. But before they ascended, from the earth and minerals they created the Ormigites to maintain the galaxy. They taught the Ormigites all that they knew and then left (and have never been seen of until our characters found one).
    Now like much mythology there is some truth to the stories, but here is what we know of the TRUE story. The Builders were just a close cousin species to the ormigites. They looked very much like the ormigites but were 10-15ft tall. They were extremely strong Will Power users but NOT so strong to teleport across the universe and create galaxies. They lived very much like the ormigites in all aspects except were much more technologically advanced. In many instances where the ormigite and builder civilizations lived near each other, their cultures usually intertwined, even to the point of living together and the builders becoming the royal class. This may be the cause of the ormigites eventually regarding the builders as their deity.
    The Builders lived thousands of years ago and had a thriving world till some type of plague/infection killed off their entire species. In a last ditch attempt to survive they sent 12 of their strongest warriors out into the universe to kill the plague/infection and entrap its essence in artifact crystal pillars. Then they were to return to their home planet and try revive their species. In several thousands of years only one has returned. As the last of the builders, Kra'max has come in contact with several of our characters and sent us on a missions to finish the task of collecting the last of the crystal pillars and destroying the plague/infection that killed his people.
    This is a quick little drawing I did of Kra'max. I hope you like it and I hope you liked the little lesson in Ormigite Culture.
- Juanito, over and out.

1 comment:

Shadowwire said...

Nice. We should speak more of this now that I have read it.