The time has come for another contest! This time its a Sapient race contest. Don't know what that means? Google it.
The guidelines are as follows.
Basic list: Race Name; Average Height; Average Weight; Average Life span; Home Planet; Languages Spoken; Sleeping Habits; and perhaps Willpower Bonus (can be negative). Approximate Attributes would be nice, but remember can make or break a species chances of winning. Attribute Rolls are not necessary; they will need to be calculated at time of induction.
If you have more, please put it in the following format:
Overview- Contains a quick description of the species.
Physiology- Contains information on the science of the mechanical, physical, and biochemical functions of the particular species in good health, their organs, and the cells of which they are composed.
Society- Contains information on; the economic, social and industrial infrastructure of the species, as well as cultural information.
Military and Technology- Contains information on the level of technology used by the species both in real world, and military functions. Notable advancements are listed here, as well as medical advancements and the species level of space travel.
Native Star System- Contains strictly information regarding the space surrounding the species home planet including, Sun, Moons Other Planets and physical information such as, but not limited to; Axis tilt of home planet, surface gravity, length of year/day, and location in and name of home galaxy.
Now, all this information is not a requirement, but just a guideline to get you started. Also a cool picture would be good, but again, not a necessity.
The winning Species will be used in an upcoming campaign, and the winner praised on the blog, and possibly something else cool... who knows...
So what are you waiting for?
Is there a deadline Sir Shadowwire?
Dont call me sir, I work for a living!
The deadline is currently undefined.
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