Ok! Now that the ball is rolling I have decided to make some changes to my original post, so hopefully people will still see it. I've added an image to this, a Ushkayin male head shot, but it has come out... big... really really big and I don't like it (and that sounds worse when I write it down.) Oh well!!! I'm leaving the sentence and the image and I'll try and figure out how to make the image smaller, but I don't care how the comment sounds. Anyway, the new section(s) is(are) "A Little on Ushun" and "A Little on Eshvon."
Race: Ushkayin
Avg Height: 5’8”
Avg Weight: 140 lbs
Avg Life Span: 55 years
Home Planet: Ushun
Home Galaxy: Coma Berenices Dwarf Spheroidical Galaxy
Home System: Mardka/Ushun System
Star: Eshvon
Planets in Solar System: Te, Shve, Mardka, Ushun, Talaryi
Habitable Planets: Mardka, Ushun (both are habited.)
Languages: Ushun, Coshcon, Mardkay, Langana
Sleep Habits: 2 hours every 27 hours
Avg Attributes
Strength: 8
Endurance: 9
Knowledge: 35
Reasoning: 15
Comeliness: 10
Charisma: 8
Dexterity: 15
Perception: 20
Heal: 7
Will Power: +3
The Ushkayin have been around for over 250,000 years. They are a peaceful race that is easily contented. The only reason they invented hyperdrive was to escape their native planet Mardka which plant life had developed spores that infected a wide variety of animal species including the Ushkayin and weakened the immune system.
The Ushkayin have a respirator installed over their mouth and nose anywhere from the age of six to nine months. It all depends on when the child gets its first respiratory infection. The skin, cartilage and some bone is removed from the nasal and oral cavity area and the base respirator is installed inside and will stay the same for the rest of the Ushkayins life. The outer respirator is changed from time to time until the person grows to maturity. The respirator is designed to take care of respiratory, communication and olfactory functions. It also has a port for the consuming of nutrients.
The Ushkayin have three pairs of eyes. Together the eyes see in visible, infrared and ultraviolet light. The information from all the eyes, the ears and the olfactory sensor in the respirator is sent to the secondary brain in the cranial cavity, which is directly behind the eyes, where it is processed. This brain is approximately the size of an average human fist. The processed information is then sent to the main brain which is amongst the other organs in the torso and is surrounded by cartilage to prevent injuries. The Ushkayin also have only one lung and a stomach that is actually a gastric mill (gizzard.)
A Little on Ushun (New Section!)
Ushun is on the inter limit of Eshvons habitable zone which makes it very arid and hot. There are several great seas on the planet, but these only account for approximately 20% of the surface area.
Ushun's axial tilt is 14.8 degrees and it's average surface temperature is 43.4 degrees Celsius (110.12 degrees Fahrenheit.) All Ushkayin settlements are located above what would be considered the 60th Parallel North and below the 60th Parallel South. This is also where 80% of the surface water of the planet is located.
Ushun rotates once every 27.1 Earth hours and orbits Eshvon every 4.4 Earth years. This makes every Ushun year 1422.29 days long.
Ushun is 1.78 times the size of Earth.
A Little on Eshvon (New Section)
Eshvon is considered a Blue Giant. It is 2.02 times the radius of Sol, 20.03 times the luminosity and 2.1 times the mass. For those science geeks out there (Shadowwire, I'm looking in your direction) it is a Spectral type A. (I did all the calculations in Universe Sandbox... hopefully it's accurate.)
Still more info to come! Physiology, society and technology!
Bot out.
P.S. If you haven't read Trudi's story, you should. It's really good. :)
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Yay, First Creature post! They sound really cool Bot, and good competition for the rest of us!
Wow, Bot. You know, for the first time in a long time, I see great possibilities for expansion with a racial culture. Very, very nice!
Thank you Kang and Juanito. I really appreciate the comments. :)
Nice post.
I really like the Ideas!
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