
Dancing the forms...

In the words of the immortal Robert Jordan....

Cat Crosses the Courtyard turns into Emptiness; Plucking the Low-hanging Apple becomes the Leopard's Caress; Parting the Silk launches into the Dove Takes Flight, countered with Kingfisher Circles the Pond....
Thus the opponents dance the forms around each other, swords glinting and clashing in the moonlight.

Mr. Jordan's words are the best I can come up with to describe my "Most Memorable Weapon" experience.

Savara and Bar`a had been taking willpower lessons from Zead Dahl (I know, INSANE!) and he took us to a shadowy courtyard on Ardalon 7, in DRE territory, in the middle of the night. We were only allowed to bring my sword, and his battle axe, fondly called the Doorbell.
We had no idea what was coming... we waited for a while in the dim moonlight, then out of the shadows stepped a very strong willpower user (Shadowwire can tell you who it was, my notes are rather vague...) and a gajillion warriors. Okay, so it was only about forty, but the odds were a little uneven. Bar`a and I took care of half, and Zead Dahl took care of the other half and the willpower user. At least I think that's what happened; I was too busy dancing the forms to count. The most important fact is we won against incredible odds; and survived having Zead Dahl as an instuctor.

Now, as to my most favorite weapon, it has to be my T6-G heavy laser cannon. It helped turn the tide of the battle when our compound was being attacked.
But then, I also like my CX laser Battery, my Rs252 rifles, my .... how's a girl to choose?

1 comment:

Bot said...

Amazing Savara!!! Good times were had that day... luckily.