
It's time for the feminine touch...

Hey, guys...
How come I haven't heard about this before? I mean, I see most of you on a weekly basis in the moag universe (miss you Salvaggio!), so why the secret? Kang, its been too long; you need to grace our weekly sessions with your presence once in a millenia.
Anyhoo... the cat's out of the bag (thanks for the invite, Bot), and if I can wrestle computer time away from others who tend to hog it, I'll add a thing or two from time to time.
So, until next time,

Let The Ladies of Chaos..... Blog!

1 comment:

Shadowwire said...

Chaos indeed. Its about time one of us came to grips with reality and invited someone of the benevolent and patient gender. Welcome to our humble habitation. Anyway, Were glad your here and Sorry we didnt invite you sooner.
Keep on chaosing!... Or whatever.