
The Ultimate Equalizer-O-Matic. Of Doom.

Okay, so reading the post about Player characters starting out as High Level Bad @#%$#@!! got me thinking: "What would be the ultimate way to equalize a biological/robotic implant-improvement to any character?" I had a lot of ideas, ranging from anything from putting a skill point requirement (A player-character must have earned 5000 XP before they would even begin to know who to approach for a "brain box") to making the player keep accurate track of time played, seeing as the brain box can only be "mobile" for 3 hours until it shutsdown, which wouldn't be too good. I personally liked this one, imagine the sight of a highly evolved Brain Box getting stuck in a sticky situation because the extension chord only reaches 50 feet and he hasn't charged up his internal battery because he spent the previous evening putting the moves on the trashy old IBM at the local Cybercafe.

So this got me really thinking. Why should we be limited by rational thought? Why not put some really crazy limitations on cybernetic enhancements that make it a crapshoot as to whether you want to do it or not! So with out any further ado, I bring you the ULTIMATE EQUALIZER-O-MATIC. Of DOOM!

The rules are simple You post a comment listing a way to equalize player characters. Only it CANNOT make sense. Or at least it shouldn't be feasible just because of the absurdity of it all! Okay Have fun and don't forget to wear a helmet!

Here's my official entry:

There is no cost limitation or XP limitation for a brain box. The Player character does all of his character generation and gets all of his super high rolls. When he has soiled himself in the warm glow of his mega-character, then the GM drops this little bombshell:
"Okay, now you have to know one thing about the brain box. One of your attributes is totally bogus. I'm not going to tell you which one, but when you get into battle and your strength really turns out to be a 5 instead of a 30, don't say I didn't warn you". Or how about this! After character creation is finished, the GM has the Player roll a 4 sided die for an undisclosed reason. When the player character finally asks what "extra" skills his '4' gets him, the GM calmly tells him that's how many of his attributes are bogus, again, not telling the player which ones. Or to really get the player character to soil themselves, don't tell them about the bogus attribute until they happen to "find out" they only have a strength of 5 after they engage in a bar fight with a horde of drunken Klisks.

Okay, I could go on all day. Anyway, let's see what you got!


Bot said...

I think that all characters should start out as puppies! and not just any puppies. They all have to start out as chihuahuas! This way they cannot convey their desire to become a brain in the box. Also, most NPC's will likely kick them after a short period of spine chilling barks.

Shadowwire said...

Ooo, I got one!
How about whenever a cybernetic enhancement comes close to a powerfull willpower source it shuts down for no aparent reason! Ha, that would be great.
But seriously. My official entery is...
All cybernetic enhancements turn to Jello for 20 minutes a day. Roll 1D20 + 1D6 -2 to find out which hour and 1D60 to determine the minute that it begins. Oh and dont forget to roll 5D23 to determine What type of juice will make them "snap out of it", taken to the "Juice table" of coarse.

Punk-rokk Princess said...

OR!! They go through an unprovability machine and turn into something different every time... like in Hitchhikers Guide, that would be funny cause then you could turn into random things! like a butterfly... or a button... or Godzilla! but only for like a minute and they go directly to jail, do not pass GO and do not collect 100 dollars...

omally said...

How bout we just push them in the water I mean they're metal they will sink like rocks.MUHAHAHA ..wait im a cyborg crap!

Juanito said...

Good ideas everyone, I agree with all of them but...
Hey! where's Omally's picture?...
...We should all make fun of him now for not having a picture...
... HAHA you don't have a picture, you suck.

Pablo Diablo said...

Ok so every time a cyborg rolls to attack, pilot, etc. he has to also roll a saving roll.

If he beats the saving roll, a fusion block does not go off right by him.

If he loses the roll... well you get the picture. :)