

Just wanted to wish all my friends in the M.O.A.G. Universe a very Merry Christmas! Oh, and Happy New Year, too.
I'm already planning on 2010 being a rockin' year. It'll be good to be back in double digits again.
I'm also planning a joyous return to the promised land soon...hopefully within the next 2-3 months. Yay!
So, until then, in the immortal words of Bill and Ted, "Party on, Dudes!"
(sorry. not sure where that came from, but the sentiment is the same!)



Reyak the Great!

I am Reyak; Father of Reytak!

Haha yeah winter break has begun so hopefully I get quite a bit of art up... this is just an old sketch I did and now just colored.


Energy Drink of All Galaxies!

Whats that? E.D.O.A.G? Haha well I just wanted to post one of my school designs on the M.O.A.G. blog. For our last project in branding class we have been working on re-making a brand style for a fictional company that we worked on earlier this semester. Mine was the "Glo Energy Drink Company" and the only parameters for the project were that every day we've had to come up with a completely different style of brand, and really "think outside of the box."
Anyway after having a great weekend with M.O.A.G. I am pretty sure that is where the inspiration for where this logo-ish design came from. Hope you all like and I hope that it is worthy enough to be the One True Energy Drink of the Future... well along side pure adrenaline of course.


Nanook of the North returns...

It is I, returning from the long lost north to once again MOAG with my fellow Moagites. Moagers. Moagacians. Moagavillians? Moaganites? Anyway, I'll be down for the friday MOAG session, and I'm excited! Anyway, I'll see you all there at West's...

As for what I've been doing lately, well it's basically work, with some work and a little bit of work thrown in. I'm starting to get back into doing some artwork, and hope to post some things soon, but I've got so many ideas running through my head that I don't know when to start.

Juanito paid a visit to the studio a few weeks ago, and had to sleep through a presentation that I gave, it was awesome, only put three kids to sleep (I hope that one has came out of his coma... but I'm sure it was the large amounts of Turkey he had eaten at lunch. Right?). Anyway, glad your classmates had a good time, and next time when we're in the new studio, come back and I can show you what a real Game studio looks like.

Anyway, talk to you all on friday!


Master of All Galaxies

HURRAY!!! So now we really can be the master of all galaxies... not that we couldn't before... anywho i just finished cleaning up the "All Galaxies" picture making everything nice and neat, i took the original picture that was drawn by West and redid it using the computer.

Everything looks nice BUT i don't know for sure if i got all the names where they are supposed to go and all the wormholes in the right places, for that reason i ask that those who can (namely Savage and West) look over the chart thoroughly and make sure everything corresponds to what it should.
Last i made some changes to color and whatnot, on the original chart gargonan was purple and KMF was green/turquise, i switched it up so all the colors are unified:


However there are three territory colors on the chart that i dont know who they belong to, Yellow, White and Black (Grey) so if anyone knows please tell me.

Hope you like it and like i said please PLEASE tell me if i got anything wrong; areas, names, lines, anything.



The Stripper

This is a link.

So, I was just doing some sketches trying to figure out what Selidor's Altar armor looks like... and then suddenly the old fashioned song, the Stripper, somehow got stuck in my head and the above happened.

Selidor took the crown from a treasury a campaign or two ago.

Hope I don't scare you too much.

Note that it is required to listen to the song while looking at the picture. It just enhances the experience.


Lagarto at his Best

Well last moag session was GM-ed by PJ and it was way cool. Long story short we met a very powerful willpower user, a guardian for a strong atrifact, and we fought and other stuff happened that i'll let someone else tell about. But at the end of the campaign Lagarto got a new power armor set that isnt as strong in armor level but makes his strength go up farther than his last armor did. Anywho so i decided to draw it:

It looks a little like his last armor that i drew but it is vastly different as well. (Plus Lagarto is sporting his token Level 4 swords :D )

Anywho this next picture is also from the same campaign, and as you can see it shows the state in which Lagarto spent about half the campaign (i drew it during the campaign):

LOL it was an epic but also hilarious campaign, Lagarto got shut down and when he woke up he was in his brain box (like usual) but unlike usual he didnt have a body to go along with said brain box, instead he found that his eyes were hooked up (e.x. see above... lol jk) and he had a voice box hooked up as well HOWEVER his voice box was hooked to an "on and off" switch that the guardian could turn on and off whenever he wanted, this switch we dubbed the "S.T.F.U. Switch" cause it wasnt uncommon for Lagarto to be turned off mid-sentence. Well at one point and time we were trying to distract the guardian and the switch was turned off sooooo the only thing that Lagarto could do was sing "Henry the 8th" over and over again.

Well thar you go, the latest exploits of your friendly neighborhood brain-in-a-frame Lagarto.

~X out.


Juanito Art

Just a pic I was doing of Juanito kinda for some concept work Im doing for a project in one of my classes.


Lagarto in Power Armor

So... i started this picture back at the start of summer and have had it ever since, well long story short i hate coloring and stuff because it takes so long without using a tablet and i never wanted to do it. Well i just bought a tablet a couple days ago and it took me about two hours yesterday to do the line work then about three hours today to do the coloring and the shading... I LOVE MY TABLET!!!!!

Anywho on to the description, this is Lagarto Cinza, everyones favorite friendly neighborhood cyborg, BUT this picture is actually back before he was a cyborg and is when he had is first musculature replacements, it's also when he was using the Atrissian armblades and his broadsword (which is now broken and hanging in his room as a trophy)

Well hope you all enjoy, please comment and sorry about the lack of background.



Juan Casador

Ok so I just got a new Computer Art Tablet last week and have been very... extra busy because I have been using it to do lotsa art stuffs. Here's the first painting that I did with the Tablet.

So for those who have not played MOAG with me, you may not know, but this is one of my... well it IS my character that I think I am going to be playing the most. It is Juan Casador (aka Juanito el Bandito)
Anyway his general storyline is briefly explained in one of my previous posts. You can look it up in the "Wicked Weekend Art" label. Or I'll just briefly explain him again for those who don't want to search. Anyway he was in a privately contracted space program on Earth during the craze of the Space Race. Unknown to the public Juan was part of a team that actually made it to Mars just before the Apollo Program began, but due to disasters he was the only one from his team to return alive. On the trip, with the said disasters, Juan came in contact with insane amounts of radiation (or he as radioactified... that is totally a real word!) which have caused him to never age. He is not invincible but due to not aging he has an incredible knowledge especially in the area of spacecrafts, astrogation, and flying any ship.
As one of the few humans surviving the Conar Invasion he has become very resourceful and now has a Kasmuth Class Cargo Ship where he runs his Cargo and Transport Co.


Discovery Of Ormigites

OK this is totally not at all the story of the actual events of the discovery of Ormigites but its just a funny little movie I did for my Computer Animation Class (just want to make that clear)! Hope you all like it though!


Character Creation of Awesomeness!!

So... long time no see for everyone. I just wanted to share this little piece of MOAG heaven with you all... It took me a bit to figure out, and it's not as pretty as i would like but the most important part... IT'S FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!!!!!!!!!! So now... let me explain:

What part of moag is fun but takes FOREVER?... That's right, the Character Creation Process. So I decided a couple days ago to make this process a little easier and less time comsuming, (especially for noobs like me who take forever to make a new character.)

Anywho i made an excel sheet that will automatically calculate your rolls for your attributes and your base and rolls for your skills!!!! WOOT! COMPUTERS MAKE THINGS (and by "things" I mean "us" as human beings) EVEN LAZIER!!!! HURRAY!!

p.s. it even calculates your date of birth :D

Anywho it works like this, you roll for all your attributes then enter them in like normal, from that the rolls will be automatically calculated, after that it will take those rolls and use it to calculate the base for all the skills and your roll for each skill! The only things it will not automatically do are the skill points you put in level (cause you have to roll for those and place them where you like) but it will recalculate the roll once the desired amount of skill points have been allocated. And last it will not calculate Total Hit Points because again that you have to manually roll for, but it will figure out hit points for each body location.

Unfortunately I don't know how to post a file here or else you would all have it right now sooooo.... if anyone does know how please let me know, but i will be giving the file to West when i next see him, and then hopefully you will have access to it sooner or later.

Any questions feel free to ask :) (and please help me figure out how to get the files online!!)



Old Friends

Hey everybody... I have been away way too long.
I have news for all those out there who care.
I got a new toy.
See it and..... well don't cry.... but you can be jealous. :P
Ok... I have rubbed it in enough, hope you like my new toy.
And now for those who don't care about some motorcycle that you don't own.
I have another start to a story, this one goes along with my last post.... anyone remember when that was?
This is set up later in the story line. If you remember in the last story the Conar was invading earth. The KMF was recruiting humans, by force. And.... oh.... I haven't written that part yet. :P
Ok this isn't so much a story as a prologue of sorts. I am sure you will all have questions. But with any luck I will be able to fill the gapes in with later posts.
And without further explanation.
We have lived in this world for century's, our Fathers driven from their home by their own. Those who didn't understand their nature and power. Few, even of our own know of our past. The counsel has dwindled to nothing, all but dead. And we knew nothing of the world we left behind, until those we left behind found us. They brought with them strange creatures. Strange creatures with the knowledge of ancient days, before the first separation of worlds. I was lucky to find them to learn from them, and to save them. ...Well some of them. They came to our world from the old worlds. But they weren't prepared for the ravages of this place. And many of them where lost. The arts are the masters of this place. The magic of the soul. They brought with them new magics. Magics they called technology.
Though their magic has opened new paths for us, it is at odds with the magic of the arts. This magic disrupts the balance of our arts. And the balance of our world. The consequences of this disruption has unleashed our devils in the old worlds.
The gate between worlds is now open. Never shall the old and new be separate again. What new devils will come? I know not. It is time we learn the truth of devils and angels. Are we the demons of this place? ... No I don't believe so. We will fight those that plague us. I tell you these things because the worlds are becoming one in kind and in fate.
There is a new council, and those who follow the arts are coming together again.
Join us.
Hope there is something here for all of you..... if not.... tough


Oberon's Garden? OCT? Whut?

Note: If you already know what an OCT (original character tournament) is, or just don't care and want to see the comics, feel free to skip the two or three ridiculously large paragraphs.

So, there's been a few requests (okay, like one, but still) for me to post my comics from the OCT I am competing in on the MOAG blog. For those of you who don't know- an OCT is an original character tournament. The artist (this is mainly an art tournament, but other OCT's can be for writers too) joins the tournament as a competitor and enters their character to fight other artists' characters as opponents. A tournament starts by some storyline being set down to inspire the setting and such, and usually to explain why there is a tournament for the various characters to fight in. Then the competitors submit audition comics that explain how their characters entered this tournament and to show a bit of the personality. If you manage to get through this, then the first round begins. Opponents are chosen at random, and each competitor submits a comic of the two characters fighting, and normally their character winning. A group of judges then study the various comics submitted, then pick the best. The winning comic is considered 'canon' or what actually happened, and the winning competitor moves on.

So I'm currently on the third round of this tournament I'm in. I'll submit the comics below, but I'll give you the background to the tournament that the officiator who runs the OCT gave us (though I'll put it in summary form, of course): Pretty much, there's a world that is cleverly called... The World. There are four opposing nations- that of Human, Elf, Orc, and Dwarves. Each with their respective leaders. The World just went through a... very harsh war, and now there is a certain peace all around. To celebrate this peace, Oberon, Lord of the Elves, is hosting a fighting tournament. But to not put more harm to their own people, the fighters are to be pulled from distant planets and dimensions and brought to the World, with the incentive that if they should win they are rewarded with a Wish. So each nation was given various shards of a mirror to peer into places that contain possible opponents, and pull them here. Yet Oberon is a scheming fiend with his shapeshifting and powerful ally, Puck; both of which have unknown but most likely evil intentions.

So, without further ado; my reference for my character, audition comic, and first and second rounds... As a note for those who haven't used devart- if it seems small, just click on the picture to make it larger. And if you scroll down, just below the picture there's a section labeled 'Artist's Comments'- If you don't want to keep clicking back here, I have links to all the comics in sequential order there. Some of the prologues or such are in written form, but you won't miss that much if you skip them.

Reference for Junus / Further Reference

Page I
Page II
Page III
Page IV

Round I
Junus' opponent was Abraxas; a half-human, half-lycan being with powers over healing, speed, fire, and psychicness.
Page I
Page II
Page III
Page IV
Page VI

Round II
Junus' opponent was Emiko. A cat-monkey-human being who was a thief with certain wind and speed powers. Her companion is a small dragon named Ekolai.
Page I
Page II
Page III
Page IV

I might put up my opponents' comics later, if anyone wants. But now I have to go work on Round III, wheeeeee.


More Zombie-ness

....And here are some more zombie pictures for you guys...

-PR Princess


So... this has nothing to do with M.O.A.G., but I wanted to share it with everyone...

I had a really creep, cool, wtf zombie dream and this morning I looked up a bunch of zombie apocalypse pictures(for some weird reason)...

These are a few funny ones that I found... some of you may have already seen them...

-PR Princess


Almost Friday-Time for MOAG-Dance

You all know you want to do this dance (the post title explains it all). Oh and by the way I did this for my Computer Animation Class, but this one took me WAY less time (only about 20min).


The Tel'Dabe Humans?!?

Due to the recent campainage that is happening... I have decided to bring out a little information of what has happened in the Tel'Dabe galaxy.

Here is a brief history that explains the formation of the Empire of Order, a little of it's organization, and the events that lead up to the Civil War.

The Tel’Dabe humans have been living on the planet Tel’Terra since before the beginning of their recorded history. The planet has been through numerous wars and at the end of the final world war, the remaining leaders came together and created a world government that would unite the people under one supreme ruler. Thus the Empire of Order was formed.

The Empire is ruled by the Emperor...duh. Every planet is ruled by a Lord who is in charge of the planet's populace and production capabilities. Every system of planets is ruled by a Count and every sector of systems is ruled by a Duke. These rulers make up the Lord's council. The council is overseen by the Grand Duke who reports directly to the Emperor on the state of the Empire. The Order's military is directed by the Lord Marshal who reports only to the Emperor.

In order to continue to have an everlasting peace the Order censored all forms of media and took over the duty of teaching its citizens. By putting down minor rebellions and condemning ideas that were too free thinking, the Order succeeded in maintaining peace for over thousands of years. However certain people in high places disagreed with the Order and they formulated a plan where they would secretly teach their children to think for themselves and to live double lives: one that served the Order and the other that sought to undermine it.

After three thousand years of rule with only one single devastating rebellion, the Empire of Order’s newly crowned Emperor, Setis Asheron who was backed by Atrissia, decreed that all impure Tel’Dabe humans were to report to special work camps where they could eventually be made whole again. By impure, the Emperor meant all Tel’Dabe humans who had cybernetic implants or had latent willpower abilities. This also sadly included people who were handicapped or mentally disabled. Since there were few objections in the Lord's council, the Emperor decided to go ahead with his plan. He ordered Lord Marshal Ivente Helos to pick his best general to carry out the plans.

The Emperor had given the Lord Marshal, a chief member of the "12", the mysterious organization that was planning the downfall of the Empire, a great oppurtunity to begin open rebellion. Ivente Helos gave his most trusted General and fellow "12" member, the charasmatic Kel Arkan the assignment of carrying out the Emperor's exact orders. However, when General Kel Arkan learned of the true reason for the camps, he refused to follow the order and told the Emperor himself to, basically, screw off. Shortly afterwards Emperor Asheron had Arkan’s entire family killed as to teach him a lesson. All this did was fuel the fire that would become the Tel’Dabe Civil War.

General Kel Arkan is the most respected leader in the military next to the Lord Marshal himself. When he heard news of his family's death, Arkan gathered his loyal men and as many of the "impure" humans as he could and declared war on the Empire. The formation of the Arkan Federation marked the beginning of the war to free the people of the Tel'Dabe galaxy from the evil that was the Empire of Order.


Art in Laughing: Prolouge I

Nine Years Ago.

There was a dead silence after the first explosion; as though several breaths caught at once, wondering if what they just heard really meant what it could mean. The second explosion was what caused panic. Natural ground and manmade structure alike fell into the gaping maw of the cracking planet, orders were all but screamed out through the ear-grating broadcast system, and thousands of people rushed to the nearby spacecraft that was hurriedly preparing their departure. This panic followed the second explosion because it was proof to all inhabitants of the small mining planet that they would not be able to stand against a third explosion.

“Out, NOW.” a gruff voice demanded sternly. The voice belonged to a certain black-haired young man, who was dressed in a formal uniform and obviously commanded some amount of authority. He was standing in a crumbling mineshaft, quickly ushering the last handful of remaining miners to the safety of the surface and awaiting ships.

A grey mo-ti-qee in a similar uniform was standing near the man, glancing down the tunnel where the light was swallowed up, then back towards the opening where the lights that had not been knocked out by the explosion and the stars filtered in with a calming glow. After studying both directions he turned his head to the other and stated urgently, “I think that’s everyone, Jezerit. Let’s get out of here.”

Selidor Jezerit nodded to his officer and started to walk towards the lighted entrance of the tunnel… but then, just then, he was interrupted by a voice coming from beyond the shadowed end of the tunnel. A plaintive voice, muffled- most likely from echoing against the circular stone walls. A voice that called simply;


The young man instantly stopped, swiveling on his heels to squint into the darkness with his mismatched eyes. He wasn’t sure if it was the fact that he was sure that they had gotten everyone out, or that the person used his forename; but it sent shivers down his spine. Selidor glanced back to his companion, who had also stopped to stare with a quizzical expression at Selidor.

After a pregnant pause, Selidor finally asked in a spooked whisper, “Did you hear that?” The mo-ti-qee furrowed his hairless brows and replied in an equally quiet voice, “What?”

Just then, the unknown person called out Selidor’s name once more- far more pleading this time. His reaction was immediate as he again turned from his partner and towards the darkness; “There it was again!!” Selidor exclaimed, and then the horror struck his face, “I think we’ve missed someone. They could be trapped from one of the explosions!”

His grey friend shook his head, “Jezerit, I don’t hear anything!” But by this time, Selidor was already starting down the tunnel. The mo-ti-qee called after him, “Come back! The last two explosions came from this shaft! We don’t know if or when another will hit!” Yet his leader was already engulfed in the darkness and his only response was the gruff voice yelling back, “I’ll be back as soon as I can! Make sure my wife gets on a ship safely!” And then even his voice was swallowed by the pitch black tunnel.

Deeper in the mineshaft, Selidor had activated his exploration lights… yet they made little difference, leaving him peering into the darkness, squinting his heterochromatic eyes. The young man had stopped running for fear of injury, and instead searched the best he could for the form of the person calling his name. The only reward that was granted to his sight was his increasingly visible breath. Well, that, and occasionally the strange half-eclipse symbol that seemed to litter the walls of this tunnel as his miners explored it and pressed further into the planet.

“Hello?” the leader called out tentatively. Although some part of his mind was expecting only silence, the voice suddenly answered with a half-whispered “Selidor”… right by his ear. Selidor whirled his head around and saw nothing, then cursed himself for jumping at what must have been the result of an echo.

The voice called out again, this time in front of him, “Selidor…. Selidor, please….” still urgent, but less begging. He responded by pressing forward, yet now his mouth was pressed into a thin worried line and the hairs standing on the back of his neck did not die down. The voice called again and again…. The space between the beckonings lesser each time.

Selidor tried to ignore the fact that it seemed as though something was shifting and moving just out of his view. Something that was rising, like a thick liquid dripping towards the ceiling. He instead concentrated on reaching the voice as soon as possible and getting out of there. A voice that he had thought to be decidedly feminine and pleading but was slowly growing to more of a chant. A demand.

A voice that was becoming more masculine. And gruff… And oddly familiar.

“Selidor. Selidor. Selidor.”

(After notes: So AiL is pretty much the story of Selidor over the three months he was off on his own, but I thought I would start it off with a couple of flashbacks. Just to show a few things, like, you know.... SELIDOR WAS SANE ONCE. Er.... sane..ish.)

More Selidor Art

This picture is actually pretty depressing. I was doing more with it, but then saved over all my progress in the background. Not only that, but I also saved it as a smaller file. Yet (if you're not sick of him)I thought you might enjoy it anyhow. His face has now upgraded to EVEN MORE DEFINED NOSE.




Um... well...

Okay...Yes, all of you.

I have been keeping tabs on ya'll; the stories are great, the art work's FAB! Keep it up, its the only way I've got to keep "living" in the MOAG world for now.

Blood & Guts and Explosions to you all...




I have returned...

Nuff said...

See ya'll Fridays...


Unrelated to MOAG, but for all to see.....

This is a picture I took of a ploom of smoke from the wildfire the other night. I think it turned out really good.


Crawling out of the premordial ooze... again.

Okay, well, it's been a loooooooooong time. I've been busy lately, but work is winding down, so that's good. Anyway, the above image is from my new site, www.theotherbensavage.com. It was a lot of fun, and i'm glad it's done. Did it over a weekend, so that was fun. Anyway, got some stuff to post for another time, but it's late and I'm tired, so I'll talk to y'all later.


The Art in Laughing: Cover

Yeah, I'm in a scifi mood again.... and Selidor is my best means of satisfying this mood. I don't know if I'll ever get this comic/story done, but this is the cover for it if I do.

The original cover actually has him upsidedown, but I'm not sure which I like better. (Link to the original cover.)


25 Expressions Challenge.

A friend challenged me to do this, and I chose Selidor for whatever reason. So I'm posting it here.

(Years upon years into the future, and they still haven't found the cure for the common cold.)

This is the link to the empty sheet. Should anyone else wish to do it.


A new sculpt from the-one-who-extensively-uses-Blender!

This may not quite be my style, but this is what comes from me sculpting a cube that has been subdivided 7-8 times without changing the general spherical shape enough. I think it turned out pretty great anyway. It looks like an ogre that had it's top jaw removed, and it's bottom teeth sealed to whatever was left. And it looks a bit cartoony, like a Super Mario Bros. character. I do like how the eyes turned out too. They are a circley thing that is in each eye socket, and blurred, colored red, and mixed with the render of the head itself. (Done with blender's compositing nodes, of course.)


More Non-MOAG stuff.

So.. Pictured above are my two motorcycles, a 1987 CBR-1000, and a 1982 VF-750. The pictures are not my "actual" motorcycles, just ones that look very simmilar. The ones pictured are in much better condition than mine, however mine do run quite well.

So the Question is thus... Which one do I keep?

The Hurricane is obviously the quicker of the two with 1000CC's and 132horses, but the Saber is such a smooth ride with its shaft drive and comfortable seating position.

I could sell both and buy a Newer CBR, or put the money into my Camero. Hmmm... Anyway, any suggestions would be appreciated. Also What color / Paint scheme for both of them? (or the Camero. 1980 Berlinetta.)

Ok, So my Camero isn't in quite as nice condition as this one either... :)


This may not be MOAG related.....

But I finally got that processor fan, so I have currently the most powerful computer in the room. :)
1.4GHz (Beats 1.0 in my pentuim 3)
1gb 256mb DDR RAM (Beats 512mb in the pentuim 3)
ATI All-in-Wonder 2006 256mb (Beats whatever on-board crap I had by a TON)
So now, I'll complain a lot less about not having a good computer, and more about not having battlefield 2 :).


Chapter One: Morning's First Light

The crisp morning air stung her lungs as she clutched her knees to her chest in an attempt to stay warm. The little nar-esken was not use to being outside in the freezing temperatures.
"The fire went out during the night," Jockulara thought bitterly, feeling hate toward the fire. As if it could control whether it stayed alive without her aid. She sat up from the ground and rubbed her arms for warmth and looked around at her surroundings. It had been dark when Jockulara stopped for the night and she was confused on where she was. She had never been out alone with out the guidance from her father.

The forest looked much different in the fading light then it did now. Trees stood all around her, some only spacing a few inches and others were no more then a foot apart. She thought to herself, "how did I manage to run between them?" Many of the smaller plants clung to the trees as if strangling them or trying to climb higher for more light. The ground was think shrubs and tall grasses, well tall for her. In some places the grass would grab at her knees and some would only tickle at her ankles.

Jockulara stood and dusted some leaves off her pants. She stretched and yawned, trying to wake herself. As she was reaching for her pack, she heard the most horrible of noises. Frozen in place, she stood half bent over, listening for the noise again. There it was. To her horror, it rang again. The loud cry of an angry conara. The worst creature, she thought, to come face to face with.

Lightning quick, she snatched her pack and in the same moment dashed off into the forest, deeper into the trees. She wasn't sure how many were left from the fight but she knew that if she didn't escape, death would be the concluding consequence. The thought of being captured was worse then death,causing her to panic and push herself harder.
Her family was dead now and she had left everything behind to save herself. The sudden attack on her village was not the first and would not be the last. was there no one to save them?

She ran for what felt like days until she came up over a hill and stopped. Horrified by the sight she lost her breath and sat for the moment. The neighboring village was in the same state as hers. Dark clouds of smoke rose from the small houses and she could see the red flicker of some remaining fires. The was no life from what she could tell. There was no where to go. No safe place away from these power-hungry beasts.

A single tear ran down her cheek, mixing with the dirt and sweat. She caught her breathe and held it, closing her eyes to stop the crying. She had to be strong now. There was no one for her here. No life and she was forced to start anew.

(Enjoi -PR Princess)

Random Blog!!

Dear Mushhyrulero-- !!
Wait a second! *looks around* This isn't my kingdom! Oh wait! Haha this is the MOAG universe!

Lets start over...
Dear all of you dear people... there that sounds better...

Yes, it has been sometime since I have shown myself here. Normally I just sneak in to hear what everyone is talking about and maybe comment a few... But recently some things have been happening in MOAG and I felt they needed to be shared. So I started writing one of my character's story and I will post it after this, but I didn't want to post it without giving a heads up... because I'm sure a few would be confused from my sudden appearance.

I started near the beginning of my character's journey to give some back ground info, it should be fun. Pardon my writing skills... I have suffered that wretched writer's block for about 4 years now and am trying to get back into things. It is untitled for now but I will just post the short chapters one at a time...

But I hope you enjoy it

-PR Princess


A Seamless Pause....

There is an audible moan as Eden's planetary spin comes to a halt. All of Koge's inhabitants are frozen in place like little dolls placed on display. Not a single Mo-Ti-Qee is tapping away on his computer. The Conara have stopped fighting, the Var-Si-Ra stopped growing and the Gorlochs stopped swinging.... A seamless pause and inexplicable stop in the flow of time has come over the MOAG universe. All is still.........

Ok sorry, i was just joking about all of that, but seriously though, this place is as dead as a human in a Klisk Bar!!.... okay bad joke i know, anywho just wanted to post cause i haven't in a while and i thought maybe my post could be a catalyst to greater events and post-ish-ness.

Well, before i do end i thought i'd throw out a couple questions to anyone less noobish than me. First, what does ATAF stand for and what is their purpose? Second and one that i really don't get at all, What is the whole story behind the Gargans... like what are they and where do they come from? I just read a little about them in one of West's notebooks but didn't understand it at all...

Well I think thats it, cya alls L8R...


Mechanically addressed.

I didn't do much on this; Xzebo did the lines and base colors. I just did the shading and background. Which, maybe it is a lot, but it takes me the longest to do the inking.

Anyhow. Xzebo's character Lagarto. Doing repairs. IN THE NUDE.

And hey, can I post this on my devart, bro?



Theory of a Twisted Smile

"RIP Huun
According to Selidor
You looked funny while dying."

Ah, so I was resketching out the Selidor I had put in Juanito's scifi notebook, so I could have a copy... but it kind of evolved. Yeah. And I have no freaking clue what the crap he's wearing. Powerarmor? Something he stole? A suit from a parenthetical dimension? Who knows.

Anyhow, need to finish coloring/shading Xzebo's pic next, and I want to post up my favorite MOAG story... So much to do, and a lot of time to do it in, luckily.


[edit] Oh look. The color scheme matches the blog title. Woot.


Happy 2nd Anniversary MOAG Blog!!!

Through it's highs and lows, prosperity and utter neglect, the MOAG Blog will be turning two years old this weekend!!! Happy B-day MOAG Blog.

What has changed?... Well, not much. We still post stories, cool art and ramblings of the not so coherent nature. It is still a place where friends can share their love for a game that we all... love?

Anyway, I think I am going to reinstate the ToD (Topic of Discussion) posts here. The rules, for those who don't know or just plain forgot, are as follows: the reply to a ToD should be done in a new post not in the comment area. This makes it easier to sort through and gives us more numbers on the post count. Replies can be anything relating to the topic (short, long, etc. it doesn't matter) just stay focused on the topic. Other than that, just have fun.

The new ToD is: Favorite MOAG story!

This can be a general run down of a campaign or what was happening in "the real world" when the game was going on.

There you go MOAGers, post away!

Bot out.


Coloring Update...

Okay, so here's the latest.  It's taking me a little longer to do the finish work.  Still trying to figure out some of Sketchbook Pro's little quirks.  It just doesn't do some things that photoshop will do, which I'm trying to work around, but I'll probably just take it into photoshop to give it the final touches... or not.  I'm trying not to, but who knows.  Anyway, on another note, I'll be down that way in two weeks, so we'll have to get together and do something, if not a quick HTML editing class so youz guyz can add stuff to the MOAG site.

Anyway, enjoy the holiday weekend.


Sabu Nortrax - Color first pass

Well, Sabu Nortrax is, well, don't know how I can put this, well, he's an assassin.  He's a part of the Nar-Eskan military, and as such is well funded, and has some pretty cool stuff.  For example, the rifle he's holding is a special plasma sniper rifle, which breaks down into the small backpack that he wears on his back.  He also has a suit that masks his heat and electronic signatures.  There's a picture of him in the MOAG book, if you want to see him wearing the suit.

Anyway, he's pretty cool, and well, I enjoy playing as him.

Clear Logos

Well while making some of the logos preeviously shown in this blog I was also practicing photoshop techniques and have been informed that some of them were not to clear so here they are in black and white hope theyre much clearer and I hope you all like them.


En'viere and Selidere.. I mean, Selidor and En'vior... I mean... whatever.

Man, it's been like an artfest on MOAG lately. I love it! Or as Selidor would say, "How fantastic..." Anyhow, these are just a couple of sketches I did for Juanito's scifi sketchbook of epicalness, scifi, and love. But mostly scifi.

I changed Selidor's armor a bit, and got his face to match more of how I imagined it. And I'm not sure if those are really what the Atrician armblades En'viere has look like... but her whole outfit reminds me of a praying mantis, so it makes me happy.

It's kind of light, but all the words say are their info and such.

And I'm going to throw in this one too before many people see it. Just a speedsketch of Selidor in a chatroom drawing program. Might make a good bookmark. Oh, and didn't like his eyes, SO I DESTROYED THEM.

Sabu Nortrax

Okay, so I'm on a drawing kick!  Also, been trying out a new bit o' software called SketchBook Pro.  It's pretty cool, but I'm still trying to get used to it.

Anyway, this is Sabu Nortrax.  He's a Nareskan, and yes, I've taken some liberties with the current Nareskan design, but frankly, I like it so there.  I'll tell more about him when I'm done.  Don't know if I'll finish it this weekend, have to finish a website, but I'll give it the ol' college try.


Enter Lagarto Cinza

Heya, yeah so it's been forever since I posted anything in the MOAG blog, but what better way to break the fast than by artwork!!! YAY! WOOT! SHOUTS OF GLEE!!!

Mkay, first things first, there are two very noticible things about this picture... first; It's obviously not done, yeah i'm working on the shading right now so that'll come later. And the second thing... HE'S NEKKID!!!!!!!!!!! Yup thats right, He does all his repairs in the nude, and if you don't like it you can find yourself a new repairman...er repairmacaneon...... LOL jk

Anywho he is my character that I am currently playing. His name is Lagarto Cinza, which actually means "Gray Lizard" He was born on Jabro but he doesn't remember it as he and his family moved to a large mining ship (not unlike Red Dwarf) when he was young, his stats are geared toward repairs and piloting since that was his life until recently when he left with his rusty beat up A.G.C.V. to Koge to look for work as a mercenary.

A little about the picture, he's holding an all purpose tool that i have yet to name in his upper right hand, and in his lower left is a hologlove that projects a keyboard as well as blueprints and schematics that have been downloaded, and in his lower right hand he's holding a screw for some device (probably an AGCV)

Well that's it for a bit until i finish shading and whatnot (I actually got a picture of him in power armor drawn but will have to work on it) If you all have any questions or comments feel free to tell me.



The S.E.T.F.

An automatic door opens with steam spurting and making the sound of hissing snake. Out of the shadows and mist emerge the SETF.

Well as you can probably see I am super bored... it also doesn't help that I accidentally fell asleep taking a nap from 7pm till 9pm, and now I can't sleep. Well I hope you all like the metallic logo design for the SETF group, a group of cyborgs (and soon to be cyborgs) we're playing as right now in MOAG. Let me know what you all think! Thanks. And


Youtube on the MOAGblog?!??!!!

This is a sculpt I made last night. I decided I liked it (mainly the neck), and wanted to do more with it, so I made a new model, and modeled around it using retopo to keep it the same shape as the original mesh. The original is on the right, and the better mesh is on the left. The reason I did this, is because the original was just a box that had been extruded a few times, subdivided a lot, and sculpted. I wanted not only to lower the polygon count significantly, but I wanted a better mesh with decent edge flow. I succeeded at least, at lowering the poly count. If anyone wants it, tell me, and I'll email the .blend file. Since blender's like 13mbs, you should be able to get it easily. http://www.blender.org/

Admiral Jaal

He was not to be reckoned with. His cold blue eyes would give no warmth, for there was none. He would not accept failure, and therefore he never knew defeat. He was what the Klisk wanted to be. He was Jaal.


More Klisk Admiral... (Still a work in progress...)

Well, here's the latest coloring.  I really like where this is going, and hope to finish it tomorrow, but I can't promise anything.  Anyway, It's been a blast painting this guy.  It really makes me want to play a Klisk.  I was actually thinking that this would be Jaal from the Story that Should Remain Nameless.  But I don't know.  Anyway, its been fun, and makes me want to focus in on the MOAG universe again, but due to freelance commitments, I might not have as much time as I would like, but that's how it usually is.

Anyway, enjoy, and I'll post the finished work as soon as I can. 


Klisk Admiral WIP and Other stuffs.

Okay, so to begin, I just had the 2nd of 3 surgeries to remove some bad vericose veins in my legs yesterday.  Needless to say, I'm limping around and have some time on my hands.  So yesterday, while I was fighting off the effects of the pain killers and watching The Tale of Desperaux (which I highly recommend), I sketched the above image.  It's a Klisk Admiral, and I fully intend on my finishing it and posting it this weekend.  Anyway, I'll keep you updated, and whatnot.


The Company of the Monkey

So I have a Gorloch character that I have been playing with during the MOAG sessions and I have been saving a lot of money and experience to make him better. There has been a problem though; I haven't been able to decide which direction to go with him. I first started out thinking I wanted to lead him into becoming a cyborg (which would be AWESOME if you think about a giant gorilla type cyborg) but then I didn't know if thats what I wanted to do.
I then started thinking that I could use the large amount of money I have amassed to start a company to gain more money to be able to upgrade myself A LOT like to a carnage class type Gorloch and that is why I did this design shown above just as a quick Company Logo for him. Of course when I planned all this out I was then informed that I am still part of Tyberion Co. so again I don't know where to go with my character. HaHa a big monkey with an identity crisis... well at least a neat little design came of it.
Let me know if you have any cool ideas of what I could do to make my awesome Gorloch even more Awesomer! (And yes I did just say 'more Awesomer')
-Juanito, Out