
Emotions Run Deeper Then You Know

For those waiting with bated breath and those coming apart at the seams and even for those just looking to read something, enjoy. Also to anyone that thinks this is going on for a long time...... you don't even know, hang on for the ride. We are still on the first climb of the roller coaster. :)

This creature is amazing. Its curiosity is so… I don’t know… intelligent?

The creature did follow me to the camp that I was setting up. It watched me from a distance for a while like a domesticated animal unsure of a new person. It never took an aggressive stance or looked to be threatened in anyway shape or form. I continued to set things up and move items out of the shuttle, but I always kept my eye on the creature, just in case it did become aggressive. At about twenty minutes after the creature arrived at my camp, it started to look around, taking in the surroundings like a curious animal would. I kept watching him… I mean “it”, but I stopped to keep a better eye on it. It looked, but it did more… it observed. It went from thing to thing staring and… cataloging? I could see, in it’s eyes, a sense of more than curiosity… more like a hunger for knowledge. A curious child wanting to know more about things they don’t understand, if you will.

Then the creature moved over to the opening to my shuttle and I swear I saw it gawk at the cargo bay… like it didn’t expect the shuttle to be three dimensional. It made me smile and then I laughed. I felt like a father laughing at the child realizing something for the first time.

My laughter seemed to startle it and it looked at me with, what I can only call, ferocity and contempt. It then hissed at me and stared for a few moments. I asked if I had insulted it, but it only turned and walked away.

I don’t know why I said what I said. I came down here knowing that these creatures were fascinating, but also knowing that they were not intelligent….

I may have to change my report on these things. This is amazing.


squirrel-the-tire said...

This is just an awesome story...
This is going to be read so many times over, no matter how long it is.

Bot said...

Ooooohhhhhh this next part is going to be HUGE... So huge, in fact, that it's going to blow the "h" right off and it will be 'UGE!... as in stature, not epicness... I hope you guys are really liking this and not just putting on a front to make me feel better. Although, that would be nice of you, but you don't have to do that. My ego can take the pain.

squirrel-the-tire said...

You're ego has no pain coming from us. We're totally serious about this being awesome.

Shadowwire said...

I like the writing style. It seems unique for you. (I like your other stuff too), but this seems way different. More descriptive perhaps. Anyway its nice.
Keep up the good work Bot!