
More Selidor Art

This picture is actually pretty depressing. I was doing more with it, but then saved over all my progress in the background. Not only that, but I also saved it as a smaller file. Yet (if you're not sick of him)I thought you might enjoy it anyhow. His face has now upgraded to EVEN MORE DEFINED NOSE.


Bot said...

Is it possible to get sick of Selidor? Granted, he has quickly become the second most drawn character in the MOAG Universe (second to the one and only Atrius Priem), but he is a very interesting character. I can't wait to have more sessions with him in them, so I can learn more about his background... and what the "real" name of his planet is. :)

squirrel-the-tire said...

Well..I can get sick of him, because I only get the blog reading end, although this prologue I just scrolled past may make him more interesting.