
Lagarto in Power Armor

So... i started this picture back at the start of summer and have had it ever since, well long story short i hate coloring and stuff because it takes so long without using a tablet and i never wanted to do it. Well i just bought a tablet a couple days ago and it took me about two hours yesterday to do the line work then about three hours today to do the coloring and the shading... I LOVE MY TABLET!!!!!

Anywho on to the description, this is Lagarto Cinza, everyones favorite friendly neighborhood cyborg, BUT this picture is actually back before he was a cyborg and is when he had is first musculature replacements, it's also when he was using the Atrissian armblades and his broadsword (which is now broken and hanging in his room as a trophy)

Well hope you all enjoy, please comment and sorry about the lack of background.



Juanito said...

hey cool pic! i know i told you already but i am just trying to be active on the blogs lol!!!

Xzebo said...

Thanks! :D lol