
The Dranauch

Species Information: Dranauch

Stats: Roll (Average)
Strength: 5D6+11 (26)
Endurance: 5D6+7 (22)
Knowledge: 1D10+5 (10)
Reasoning: 1D10+5 (10)
Comeliness: 1D10+3 (8)
Charisma: 1D10+3 (8)
Dexterity: 2D8+4 (12)
Perception: 4D4 (8)
Heal: 4D4+2 (10)
Add: 1D6 (3)
Ambi Range: 2 / 19-20 (3)
Willpower Bonus: 0
Totals = 120

Species Traits:
  • Four Legged / Charge. Dranauch movement speed is tripled when moving in a “forward” direction (90 degree cone with the 45 degree mark being straight ahead). However, Dranauch movement speed is one third when moving any other direction, turning, climbing or swimming. In addition, if Dranauch use at least half movement distance in a forward motion and end in a melee attack, that attacks damage is doubled.  
  • Beasts of Burden. Dranauch physiology is similar to horses or oxen, as such their encumbrance weight is half strength factor, instead of one fourth.

Dranauch are hexaped mammals. Meaning they have six limbs. However, they walk on four legs and have two arms to interact with their environment. As a species they tend to be reserved but also harbor great tempers when provoked. They form tight knit large families akin to tribes and constantly fight for land and resources.
Even with the large family / tribal form of society, technology advanced at a rate expected for a sentient species. However, around five decades ago, families started coming together to form large multifamily nations. Technology and progression toward space age has skyrocketed since then.

Average Physiology:
Lifespan: 170 years
Height: 9’ 5”
Weight: 2000 lbs
Eyes: Dark browns and hot colors (Reds, Yellows, Browns)
Skin: Browns and tan colors
Hair: Massively hairy all over. Their hair color tends to be neutral and earth colors.
Sleeping Habits: 10 per 60
Diet: Omnivores. Dranauch can eat gains, fruits and vegetables, but they tend to mostly enjoy meats.

Dranauch societies consist of millions of “families” all over the world. These families could be classified as tribes, as they can have any number of members. The largest families numbered in the hundreds of thousands and they would build cities and strongholds to defend themselves. Unlike the human concept of tribes, members of the same family consider themselves to be immediate family. The Dranauch only have five words to describe familial relations. These words are brother, sister, mother, father and leader. Brother and sister they use for any person in the same family. Mother and Father they use like humans do, for their direct parents. Then they have one more word which is used to describe the head or leader of the family. However, the head of the family is better classified as a Monarch like a king or queen, and can potentially be any person. It is possible to become head of a family by being placed there by any other family member (or members) or one person can challenge the current leader to combat. These simple rules have caused countless wars and battles for the Dranauch. That is because when a group of people inside one family do not agree with the current leader, they can elect a leader of their own and fight to try and depose the current monarch. If this happens the new group will create and take on a new family name, usually relating to the new cause in some way. This also translates to genealogy and history being very difficult to track as records of losing families are usually destroyed. Sometimes if a smaller faction does not agree with a current leader, instead of fighting a losing battle, they simply secede from the family and leave so as to not be destroyed.
About 100 years ago, technology and society started making great advancements, but was still a bit delayed due to society structure. Then, 50 years or so later, smaller families started forging alliances, creating multifamilies and cities larger than simple towns and villages. There were even instances where these multifamily units overpowered large mono families. Inside these large multifamilies, the monarchs would come together as a sort of council of monarchs to decide on policies and diplomacy, and warrior factions became the peacekeepers and the framework for police forces.
From there, huge cities started forming and wars and battles started to decrease. Then, several multifamilies started talking and then came together to form mega families. These mega families would be what some outside researchers would call nations, but that is besides the point. With far easier sharing of information and collective research, scientific breakthroughs were commonplace. These breakthroughs meant Kol'Tadra and the Dranauch were only a couple decades away from reaching space faring level technology. But then, something terrible and completely unforeseen occurred.
Several multifamilies started to rally under one king by the name of Delkim. Rallying under a new monarch wasn’t strange, however, it was the way in which it happened. Delkim started small and usurped the throne of a single family. Then he started taking over other families, not with force but simple fulfilled promises and compelling reasoning. He wasn't the largest or strongest of Dranauch, but was cunning and gifted with pitting monarchs against each other and assimilating the remains of their conflicts. Delkim finally made the worldwide radar when he planned and successfully carried out the assassination of over 500 monarchs during Godrana, a holy time for Dranauch when violence is prohibited. Delkim assumed single monarchy over an entire mega family. The rest of the world, following Dranauch tradition, went to kill Delkim for his crimes. But to their dismay, he was defended by the usurped mega family. This started the first Kol’Tadrian World War. A war that is still ongoing and is delaying Dranauch progression towards the space age. Delkim, either through force or coercion, continues to assimilate families and resources and is steadily moving towards world domination.
But then, seemingly out of the blue, another twist of fate occurred. Roughly 35 days after the declaration of the mutual protection pact between the SFE and the Followers of Illiar, the Dranauch were discovered by the Sarfu Federal Empire, within their territory, on the fringe of the Ricahoi galaxy.

Planet Kol’Tadra, in the Hedrikol system. Kol’Tadra has 9 moons and 2 suns. The Kol’Tadrian day is 60 hours long, and one year is 822.5 days. Kol’Tadra is relatively far from the sun, actually not residing in the “goldilocks zone”, however due to multiple suns, a large number of moons reflecting light and several gas giants with high planetary heat, Kol’Tadra has a surprisingly stable heat intake which is perfect for life to grow. In fact, there is only a 50 hour window in the entire year where the continents of Kol’Tadra do not have a single celestial body in the sky (Excluding distant stars). This time period is called “Godrana” which is translated to “Silent Heavens” and is considered sacred by the Dranauch. Fighting or any violence of any kind during this time is taboo and all families rally against those who break this taboo. Breaking this taboo is on a level comparable to a war crime.
The planet is almost completely arid and dry due to its odd celestial arrangement and consists of vast rolling hills, long mountain ranges and dense forests.
Kol'Tadras surface area is about 1.75 times that of earth and gravity is 1.21 times higher. This is odd because generally larger planets are less dense and therefore have lower gravity. But Kol'Tadra is larger and vastly more dense than earth, resulting in higher gravity. Kol'Tadra also is 60 % land compared to earths 25% land. There are roughly 27 billion Dranauch on Kol’Tadra and they are still nowhere even near overpopulation.

The Dranauch used to speak tribal familial languages amongst themselves that are as varied as the people themselves. However to facilitate trade and interactions, all Dranauch learned a globally taught language called Kol. Kol was a dumbed down simplified basic language originally used for communicating with others outside the family for purposes of trade or negotiations. This persisted up until the formation of multi family cities. Then the language was developed to be more comprehensive and useful. Now the majority of Dranauch speak Kolyok, an advanced completed version of Kol.

Military and Tech:
Technologically, the Dranauch are in the late / ending stages of their information age and are on the cusp of their space age. Many scientists were doing research on fusion and anti gravity, however, with the ongoing war, technological focus has shifted from reaching space to improving weaponry. The two main factions in the world war are the Steelheart mega family, who call Delkim king, and the Godrana faction. The Godrana faction, (also known as the Silent Heaven faction or holy faction) is a conglomerate of 4 mega families. The Firesoul, Thunderspire, Stormrage and Berserkers.
The Godrana are trying to overpower the ever growing Steelheart numbers with technological advancements. They have switched their anti gravity research to creating impressive gravitic weaponry. Whereas the Steelhearts are exploring alternative technologies and are creating the first rail weapons.
Dranauch military used to be those who were deemed worthy of joining the military factions within a family. However, with the World War, a draft is in effect and any person over the age of 20 is required to join.
Dranauch weapons are different than other species’ in that about 70% are equipped with some type of bayonet or melee weapon extension. On earth, bayonets stopped seeing general use once charging the enemy was no longer an effective tactic. But for the Dranauch, charging is still extremely effective, especially in armor. Because of this, one of the most iconic weapons ever to be created on Kol'Tadra is the Foe Render Shotgun. The Foe Render is a massive shotgun weighing about 300 lbs. It includes a sword protrusion on the end and has belt fed ammunition. It can fire 16 rounds a second and is surprisingly accurate for a shotgun. But, also like a shotgun, it lacks in range. The reason this weapon is so widely used is because most Dranauch can usually close firing distances themselves. They charge into the midst of enemies, using the blade on one unfortunate soul, then unload on anything nearby. Besides the standard flechette/shot rounds, The Foe Render is capable of using slug rounds which drastically increases the range, lowers the accuracy and changes the weapon to more of an assault rifle/minigun.

Fighting Styles:
Dranauch are not only strong, but are able to carry large amounts of weight on their backs. In war, this usually translates to foot soldiers holding lots of ammunition and large weapons, all with very little effort. Dranauch still use small weapons like pistols, but usually only carry sidearms to use as a last resort. Dranauch can charge forward at incredible speeds, but have considerable trouble turning or dodging. So most Dranauch will attempt to close distance if there is a fight instead of trying to find cover. They are able to charge, literally, head on with their horns, but most opt to use sweeping broadswords, large battle axes or warhammers instead of their heads for maximum efficiency.
A widely known fighting style used by the Dranauch is called Kridawa. This style is less about finesse and more about getting from point A to point B as quickly as possible while ending the charge in a massive crushing blow.    

The Dranauch are large hulking beasts with four legs and two arms. On average, they stand about 9 feet 5 inches high and weigh about a ton. Their lower bodies are equine in appearance and they have cloven hooves which look similar to bull's hooves. They are large and muscular and are covered in thick fur that stands about an inch long and can have intricate designs in swirls and stripes which helped them camouflage in the past. On their heads are two large rolling horns, similar to rams, which traditionally they use in fights, they also can grow long hair which they often braid or roll together. Each person's horns are as distinct as fingerprints and no two are the same. Their faces are furry and have slight feline traits and they tend to grow large beards. Females are slightly smaller than males but still grow large amounts of fur and hair.

Characteristics and other Tendencies:
Dranauch name themselves by individual, family, multi family then mega family. Usually having a name for each level of family they belong to. Dranauch often do not wear clothes as it is not inappropriate in their culture to be naked. However, they do like wearing different vestments on different occasions and it is just as common to see them with some article of clothing as without. Besides that they will also don armors during battle. Dranauch give birth in liters and will have an average of 4 to 8 children at a time.  

Which beard was your guys' favorite? ;) hahaha. I'm also working on a pic of one with the Foe Render Shotgun in power armor, cause I think it would be awesome.