
Revoric: Steel Gargen Wearer

Since, Xzebo has moved up north he's been GMing for some friends. Being new to MOAG he made a cool campaign based on some of the ancient Coucil Era history and with Osidus and the creation of the Gargen.
Xzebo let me play a NPC-of-sorts, Revoric. He, unbeknownst to the players, was the Steel Gargen Wearer and served Osidus.

It was pretty fun playing a super powerful Will Power user even though I didn't get to play through the end of the campaign with the group.
Hope you all like the pics though!

-Juanito, over and out!


The Ruffian!

Long ago, I created the concept of a character named Scraggly George as sort of an antitheses of the normally powerful, in some respect or another, MOAG characters. Scraggly instead was the most average run of the mill human (basically NPC worthy) but has adventure thrust upon him!
He was originally going to start out as a space trucker but when I actually created his character sheet he ended up being a super red-neck scrapyard owner who happens to make guns and armor from his scrap.
A while back, Xzebo ran a campaign for me, which we have continued since his move up north. In this campaign Scraggly obtained a Powershell and actually had to use it. Just recently, with the help of Scraggly's friend, he created and built a super awesome gun for his Powershell.
The gun is called THE RUFFIAN!
-Juanito, over and out!


Species - Cylonquin

As promised. More artwork!
Lately I have been making art for a MOAG "book" of sorts. Don't get your hopes up, it is not a real MOAG Book. I have just be drawing things in my free time to help me personally remember, imagine, and get into the MOAG mood while we play.
This drawing is of a couple of Cylonquins and hopefully I will have more free time make more of the playable races.
-Juanito, over and out!


The Butchers Revive the MOAG Blog!

Since my brother, Xzebo, has moved up closer to me he has inspired me back into Sci-fi/MOAG mood.
I know the MOAG blog is barely surviving but I thought I might sporadically post all the sci-fi art I have been making in my free time. This feels like I'm sending a trancomm off into deep space in the off chance someone gets it haha!

So, a while back while visiting Cedar City. The MOAGers invited me to play in a campaign they were running with gangster/mafioso types. I thought to myself, "What characters do I have of questionable moral nature? Oh, the Butcher Brothers!"(pictured above)
For those of you who don't know, they are my characters in which I rolled a perk to "receive a playable twin." So after doing so, I completely re-formatted them to resemble the Stabington Twins from the movie Tangled.
Enjoy the art, hopefully more to come soon.

-Juanito, over and out!